(This Supplement begun Nov. 2009-- most of these words were created in the course of LoCoWriMo, a conlang writing cóntest carried out in Oct. 2009)
haram ADD: rukaram laca prepare (decorate) a table, as for a formal dinner
hiki, hiki-hiki (~ hikiki) to giggle; cakahiki overcome with giggling
hirak the ground; soil, earth
hiri-hiri onomat. whirring sound; as vb. to make such sounds (implies high pitch, see also huru-huru)
hirundet ADD: fang(s) of an animal
horem ADD: horekorem to die out (e.g. of species)
horok ADD: horoci a small bow of respect, mepu..., to do so
hukop ADD: añakukop (med.) bodily wastes, excreta
huru-huru onomat. whirring sound, as vb.to make such sounds (implies low pitch, see also hiri-hiri,
hutundu a desert (hot, dry) (< hutun tawu)
kacinda surface of the earth, "terra firma"
kaconji a disguise; as vb. to disguise (< kati+onji face pretend)
kambo ADD cakakambo formal (of usage, behavior etc.)
kambro DELETE/CHANGE TO andoro
kakici dentifrice, tooth-powder
kakambro CHANGE > karo, kakaro
(kandi) kandi-mulet back and forth (motion) ALSO ENTER SUB MULET
kanducangi (tech. med.) virus, non-bacterial disease-causing organism
kandri ADD: kandripun what if...? what about...? how about...?; kani-kandri (emphatic or angry)what on earth...? what the hell...?
kanget to decide; ...liri decide on... make up one's mind to...; anganget a decision; kakanget decisive (of one's actions); trakanget indecisive, wavering; catrakanget (of a person) can't make up his mind, dithering
karak to kick; karaki (n.) a little kick; (dat.+) cakarak (of a person) to get kicked
karendiya elsewhere, somewhere/someplace else-- near syn. of karinena, but more indefinite
karikarike (formal, legal) whoever, whosoever (declinable) see also ekari
karinena ADD see also karendiya
(kasi) add: kasi-casi aboriginal
kaçar soldier, in genl.; kaçambrut common soldier, enlisted man (< kaç samar)
kaçepombro (med.) X-ray (more similar to MRI); (< kaçet+pombro q.v.)
kavas (liri) be cautious; be careful of..., take care to..., watch out for... ; cakavas overly cautious, extremely shy in one's dealings; avas(ti)! interj. watch out! be careful!
kaya ADD to çukaya (as vt.) to figure (s.t.) out-- a rare case of an incho. form used transitively
kena ADD angena (physical or emotional) affect
kenda ADD: kenda-kenda to deal with, manage, overcome (e.g. a problem); pokenda-kenda manageable; trapokenda-kenda unmanageable (more emphatic with ca-)
kematromer (colloq. tromer) (lit., law-breaker) a criminal CROSS REF omer
kirik ~kiri-kirik onomat. for creaking noises; as vb. to creak, make creaking noises (also mepu...)
kocamar a cliche; formulaic expression. (kota+samar)
kopak ADD kopacarek strong-box, safe
kota ADD: kota-lafota(ni) (slang) pointless or rambling talk, blah-blah-blah, yada-yada
kotreñ to compliment s.o.; as adj. complimentary (e.g. kotaç kotreñ complimentary words); angotreñ a compliment; kotreñ mulet to give an insincere or back-handed compliment, to "damn with faint praise"; angotreñ mulet a "back-handed" compliment; cakotreñ (liri) to compliment excessively, to flatter, to butter up; trakotreñ uncomplimentary, unkind (usu. of words)
krici ~krici-krici onomat. for squeaking noises; as vb. to squeak, make squeaking noises (also mepu...)
krongo (onomat) grunt, to grunt
kulawu ADD see also kulunaya
kulunaya (biol.) species
kundi ADD: trakundi harmless, rundakundi to render s.o/s.t. harmless; pokundi vulnerable, trapokundi invulnerable, rundapokundi to render s.o./s.t. invulnerable
kupek to include; kupekni including...
kure ADD nayakure low status, socially inferior LIST ALSO AT NAYA
çakonji genl. term for the various spp. of saurians ("lizards") found on Cindu
canduyu (tech.) radiation (from radioactive or other source), < Gwr dzay dwiw 'living atom'
çanges a storm; stormy; various compds. e.g. çangeripa rain storm, çangenifa snow storm; çuçanges becoming stormy; cakaçanges caught in a storm, overtaken by...
çaram ADD añaçaram army, armed forces
çasi: ADD çasiyundu an oil-well
coco onomat. for sucking at the breast; (nursery speech) to suckle-- baby or mother may be subj. (syn. rupuso); (sexual slang) of a male, to give or receive oral sex
(çelum) add añaçelum aftermath
çunu ADD: çucunu various, diverse
çuña ADD: (legal) to arrest çuña-lipat to kidnap (tense marker added to lipat)
cango a group of..., bunch of... (usu. of people)-- (pejor. çako is related)
carekañu ADD: ca(ka)carekañu to find/summon up the courage (to do s.t.), to "screw up one's courage"
casi ADD as adj., original, first; kasi-casi (tech.) aboriginal
cati ADD: cakacati (yam...) to confront s.o. (implies hostility/aggression), mess with s.o., "get in s.o's face")
cemar ADD: 1, public square etc.. 2.. any large open area (non-agric.) used or constructed for some purpose; note compds. cembranip playing field, cematruwin airport, airfield 3. cemar puna the large yard or other area around a large mansion; cemaci the small yard around a house of ordinary size
cinek emissary, representative, go-between etc. (< Gwr tsih neq 'sent person')
cinga: ADD cinga içun (colloq. cingiçun) to look around for (s.t., s.o.); cacingiçun look around anxiously, fearfully
ciñañol interstellar
ciyur ADD: me(ci?)ciyur (astr., tech.) to orbit; ciciyur to circle around s.t.; anjiciyur (astr.) orbit (n.)
conihin to be/get on top of s.t./s.o.; in wrestling, to pin one's opponent; caconihin fallen/pinned by s.t./s.o. on top of one (cosa+nihin)
cosingota (obs., literary) of course, "it goes without saying", mostly replaced by singoti(ni)
cosir ADD kecosir a subject (s.o. subject to a superior), a subordinate; employee (see also ......)
cun (temporal conj.) as..., while...
cunje a parka or anorak-- worn in cold climates; usu. of Gwr manufacture (< Gwr chiwng-jey blanket-coat)
ñakaçaka (railroad) locomotive, engine
ñimbuhi (more common colloq. ñimbuwi) (alcoholic) liquor, in genl.
ñondru galaxy; ñondruka galactic; ciñondruka intergalactic (< Gwr nyr du star land/country)
ñoros to be/feel relieved (of one's worries); añoros relief; cakañoros greatly relieved
ñukar to arrange, set up (e.g. a meeting, appointment); añukar an appoinment
ñupit ADD añañupit cultural
yalakat the windshield (glass or plastic) of a ñaki (yala+kandi)
yumbrandil a clearing in the forest (whether natural or created)
(yumbu) REVISE: ruñumbu to clear, to empty, as ... atel/puna to clear (out) a room/house, of junk/people; ... laca (idiom.) to clear a table (after the meal); ... ratu to clear a street/road (of people, vehicles), etc.; REFL + ruñumbu (of people) to remove o.s. from a place, depart, clear out (neutral connotations)-- colloq. nom. + cakañumbu is of similar mng. but implies speed or urgency, perhaps that the place/situation is unpleasant/dangerous in some way
yukar ADD: çuyukar (vi) to develop; ruñukar (vt) to develop; cakayukar highly developed, civilized; irreg. acukar development; (irreg.) añaçukar civilization
yunjaki a garage (where vehicles are kept)
(sañ) sandipo (adv.) just so, exactly so; sasandipo anyway, in any case
sanjeli frequency, e.g. of radio (saña+celi)
saren ADD ataren guidance; añataren principle
sawu ADD liquid, in genl.; çusawu (vi) to become liquid, liquefy; rutawu to liquefy s.t.; cakasawu (vi) to drown; of a boat, to sink; runjasawu (vt.) to drown s.o., s.t.; of a boat, to scuttle (sink deliberately) ADD comb. form su-; see also suvaka
selimbroç (geog.) (sea) coast
singoti(-ni) adv. of course, naturally (ult. < cosa inga kota 'goes without saying'); literary/obs. cosingota
sisa ADD sisaci affectionate; (nom. subj.) casisaci overly (annoyingly) affectionate, fawning over; with object, ...liri... to "be all over s.o."; (dat. subj.) be the object of unwanted affection;
supit special; susupitni especially
sutumar (med.) drug, in genl. (< sawu + var. tumbra)
suvaka underwater (vi., adj.); çusuvaka to submerge (vi); rutuvaka submerge s.t.
takan (tech.) a rocket (as motive force)(from the Galactic languate, tkan); aposi takan rocket ship (but there are more precise terms)
takiki ~takik (colloq.) 'no idea', also as ta (me, te, ne etc.) kiki 'I/you/he etc. has no idea' (may take tenses)
talap ~talambi (colloq.) no longer..., not...anymore (< ta lavi(ni), which may also be used)
tambok magnificent, impressive, imposing (< Gwr taq baw)
tanak ADD: tanakaya ~ tanatambra (colloq. tanambra) kerosene (="fuel+light" ~"fuel+lamp")
tandevas a feast, banquet; metandevas (vi) have/make a feast; (vt) to feast on...
tangi a recording (on tape, disk etc.) e.g. tangi-cika TV recording, videotape-- a colloq. term, but generally used, ult. < undangayi
taput (liri) to supply, furnish (with); andaput a supply/store of...; cakataput overstocked
tayoni the rest of... (< andayo remainder)
telañ ADD telandelañ (vt) to train; andelandelañ training; cakatelañ highly trained, expert
tevas ADD tetevas luxurious, andetevas luxury
tinda (colloq, slightly pej.) politics (as a profession); tindaka political, ketinda politician
tindor (liri) (be) responsible (for)--both 1. be the cause of... 2. have s.t. in one's care; andindor responsibility; çutindor to assume responsibility; rundindor to hold s.o. responsible, to blame; tindromer (legally) responsible, guilty; andindromer (legal) guilt
tikas ADD: titikas to notice, take notice of...., happen to see...
(timuhok: add cross ref to:) timuk (irreg. colloq.var. of timuhok) MOVE kandimuk HERE. ca(ka)timuk (dat.) be a chronic idler, a do-nothing, ne'er-do-well; (nom) to hang around, loiter; wait around (for no good reason), also applied to (illegal) “feather-bedding” employees who do no work but collect a paycheck --NB forms often co-occur with -po suffix, in which case the final -k is dropped
tingas, titingas to research, do research; anditingas (n.) research
tita ADD prakandita president, chief executive (non-political)
topimbañ hormone (< Gwr doyh pi:ŋ baŋ)
towikoñ protein (< Gwr doyh gÿ:ŋ life building-block)
tramba a lamp
tramit (vi) to dissolve; andramit solution (liquid); rundamit to dissolve s.t.; potramit soluble, tapotramit insoluble
trikañu CHANGE DEF: (lit., poke-mind) to give s.o. a quick telepathic message (usu. in the course of a verbal conversation)-- a reminder, a correction, etc.; or, to request such a quick message from s.o.
tromat ADD añandromat data, information (DON"T LIKE)
trumolu (manufactured) product (based on non-occurring noml. *añ+rumolu, see volu)
trundata an import (i.e. a product); as adj. imported (< putative noml. *añ+rundata, see rata)
trunjosa an export (i.e. a product); as adj. exported (< putative noml. *añ+runjosa, see cosa)
trupek to exclude, keep out; trupengi excluding; except (for) (prep.)
tumbra CHANGE: e andumbra (more common colloq. yandumbra) the art/science of medicine
tur ADD: turi-turi to hover (stationary in the air); andurin flight in genl., aeronautics
nana ADD: nanaç things, in genl., stuff
naya ADD: cakandaya (sociologic.) highly class-structured; in colloq usage, pej., "class-ridden"; pranaya (high) status, socially superior; nayakure low status, socially inferior
nimbis a pillow, cushion; nimbimi a small pad or cushion
ningar ADD: see also ningombra
ningombra (lit. body-dead) carcass, remains (of a dead animal; rude if said of humans)
nirit to control; çunirit (liri) to gain control (of...); andirit (n.) control; kandirit controller (person), apral kandirit device that controls; cakanirit said of s.o. who always wants to be in control, a contolling person.
(niçur ADD) a somewhat obs. form, found mostly in military contexts: traniçur cowardly, andraniçur cowardice; catraniçur overcome by cowardice, said of one who runs away from the battle, who refuses to do his duty.
rata ADD to arrive; andrata arrival
reçel ADD añareçel (n.) exchange
rembaci to scold; cakrembaci to get scolded; see rembak
rembak to punish; andrembak punishment; cakrembak get punished, suffer punishment (implies: severly), (legal) cakrembak-omer get "punished to the full extent of the law"
rikas (colloq.) a show, performance (e.g. on stage, TV, movie etc.) (ult. < rundikas to show, exhibit)
ro ADD: andoro a pair (additional material if any from kambro)
ruvon to rub, massage; andruvon a massage; kandruvon masseur/masseuse; cakruvon chafed, made sore by rubbing
lavi ADD lavi-lavi(ni) even more (of s.t.), lavi-lavinipo etc.
layot to plan, organize; andayot (n) a plan; planning, organization (of s.t.); kandayot planner
lecit to curl up (as some animals do when sleeping); as adj. curled up; lecikumbe (of animals or people) to cuddle together for warmth or affection
(leñ) lendaleñ (idiom) for good or ill
licucu mush (pej., usu. refers to food)
licun ADD andicun a puree; see also licucu
limbekuwa common pronunciation of elimbekuwa, q.v.
linde limited, restricted, constrained; (as noun) limit, restriction, restraint; rundinde to limit, restrict s.t., set a limit on...; tralinde unlimited, etc.; catralinde (pej.) unconstrained, knowing no bounds, "beyond the pale"
lipat ADD: cakalipat liri... caught up in..., involved (in a bad way) in...; cuña-lipat to kidnap
(lisam) lisandalisam (idiom) like it or not
(liya) ADD i liyani and others, et al.; et cetera, interchangeable with i lusokni q.v. sub lusok
liyalo(ni) (adv.) besides, (as prep.) aside from (+gen.) (NB liyaloni strictly speaking means 'aside from that', besides that')
(lolan) ADD andolan any sort of protective shield; see also lungara
lombi "the boss" (a somwhat disrespectful term, though sometimes used in informal situations; orig. < Gwr lÿŋ 'master, boss' + Kash -mi)
lomek ADD tralomek infertile (of soil); kralomek infertile (of people), unable to bear/conceive children
(londo) ADD rundondo laca (idiom) to set a table (with dishes, silverware etc.)
(loros) ADD rundoros to put s.o. at ease, to placate
lumbrelo afternoon, in genl. (orig. colloq., ult. < çelum cindero)
lungara (obs.) a warrior's shield
(lusok) ADD: i lusokni and so forth, i lusok liyani (idiomatic) and so forth and so on...
feliyo ADD: feliçi nonsense, foolishness
fonjip ADD: fonji-fonjip (police slang) to search s.o. (e.g. for a weapon) by patting them down
fosi ADD: aposi oprañol space-ship; aposi-inde mother-ship; aposici shuttle-craft (small space-ship for short trips)
foya ADD fofoya groggy, as when emerging from unconsciousness, or the effects of a drug
fum onomat. 'boom', sound of an explosion
palaraka imposing, impressive, majestic, splendid, magnificent (syn. tambok)
pambun to descend, come down; rumbambun to send/bring/down; to land an airship; ambambun descent
pambut to descend (in a family lineage); ambambut descent, heritage; anapambut descendant
pap onomat. 'plop'; cakapap (person as subj.) to plop down, e,g, on a chair; (thing as subj.) to plop s.t. down, set s.t. down suddenly/awkwardly
parun (liri...) solicitous, caring, sympathetic (toward...); to care (about); çuparun (liri) be/become concerned, worried about; feel sympathy for/toward...; cakaparun fawning, overly protective
pasop (vi) to fit (of clothing etc.); rumbasop to make s.t. fit, adjust s.t. to fit; cakapasop ill-fitting
patrun to care for (s.o.), take care of, ~attend to (s.o. or s.t.);
pembet common, widespread (rel. to tipevet)
pilen pocket (of a garment)
pindramba per thousand; (+ni optional) millage (e.g. in taxes)
pindrongo percent; as n., (+ni optional) percentage
pitundo (med., sci.) a gene; pitundoka(le) genetic (< Gwr piq tu:ŋ doyh)
pociyo laboratory (slang poco) (< Gwr pòw tsi yò 'science work room')
pole ADD polepo, pole-polepo (colloq.) can/might just as well...
pombro (sci.) magnet, magnetic; ambombro magnetism
pongunak likely, probable (colloq. pongu, pongu-pongu); ambongunak likelihood, probability; ponguni probably; trapongunak (~trapongu) unlikely, improbable, andrapungo unlikelihood, improbability
pracaka a motor; as adj. motorized (< apral+çaka device power)
pranguci spark plug (of internal combustion engines) (ult. < apral+huça device fire)
prisi-prisi to pace nervously
priya, priye honorific full form of masc/fem. 3d pers. sing. pronoun; (inanim. priyu, seldom needed); case forms prini, prine, priyan; other hon.forms simply add pra- to the base form, thus prahat; plural prahila, pranila, pratila-- hon.full forms of 1st person pronouns are not used. CROSS REF iya
priyo CHANGE: ambriyo > agriculture; yumbriyo a farm
priyonek president (of a country)--this title is not used by the Kash; it is adaptation of Gwr hi hoq neq 'head man', + par- honorific part.
prundak the stomach
pun ADD pun pun if (...) at all, if any; pupum (liri/lire) (prep.) in case of...; pupumbo (adv.) just in case
puna ADD punakreci railroad station
pundriyuni in that case...; pundrayani in this case...
punjinek embassy (building) (puna + contr. of unjucinek, ult. < Gwr)
pupuñi (base *pupun does not occur) (prep.) in case of...; pupumbo (re) (adv.) just in case
puvaco (relig.) a hermitage where monks live (usu. small, in a forest) (ult. < puna facol)
marok ADD: mamarok elderly, of advanced age
maçan ADD: maçañi in turn
matra ADD matraçit to interrupt (someone's speech); ambatraçit interruption; camatraçit said of s.o. who constantly interrupts or butts in on a conversation; matrapin to interrupt (someone's train of thought); ambatrapin such an interruption, distraction; camatrapin thoroughly distracted
melu-melu news, news report (e.g. on radio)
meron to demand; amberon ~meron+poss. a demand; cakameron overly/obnoxiously demanding, bossy (related to mendro 'insist')
minja ADD to explore; ambinja exploration; search
(minjer) add: praminjer a government minister, head of a "cabinet" department
munducangi (med.) immune; (colloq.) munducák; ...+ni immunity; çumunducangi liri become immune to... ; (irreg.) rumunducangi liri (~rumunducák) to immunize s.o. against...; añamunducangi (-cák) immunization
munduk ADD to resist; see also munducangi
munis to solve, resolve (a problem); ambunis (re)solution (of a problem)
munjat to announce; ambunjat announcement; kambunjat announcer, master of ceremonies
muñas system (pl. muñaç)
valin ADD: çuvalin of time, to pass, elapse, e.g. çuvalin nim lero five days passed...
vangep to gather, amass, collect (things); vavangep (yam...) together (with...); amangep a collection (of things); kamangep a collector
(velu) ADD cavelu modern, up-to-date
vetrita ADD vetritaka governmental, official
vicupracu to shrug the shoulders
(vingas) ADD: travingas clear, without obstacles (e.g. a road, plan of action); çutravingas become clear, free of obstacles; rundavingas to clear, remove obstacles from
vole possible; çuvole become possible; rumole make possible; amole possibility; voleni possibly, perhaps. travole impossible (also has çu-, ruñ- verbal and añ- noun derivs.) catravole absolutely impossible, in no way....
volu ADD: añumbrolu manufacturing, industry in genl. ; añamolu product, in genl. see also trumolu
vorok ADD vorokni mainly, principally
(akram) akakram obvious; akakrañi obviously
(ambik) catrambik boorish, gauche; a boor
(ambu) cakambu overly liberal/permissive; (of a child) spoiled
ambum a bomb; evumbum bomb crater CROSS REF to evun
amut ADD añamut surface of a thing, in genl. (kati 'face' may also be used)
andet ADD andevetrita politics (the correct tech. term, equiv. to "political science"-- colloq. syn. tinda q.v.); kañandet scientist
anduyu (sci.) atom; anduyuka atomic, nuclear
anju ADD: anju-anjuni meanwhile, in the meantime; anjuci a little while, in/for a little while; ri anju anjuwe from time to time, occasionally
añomalut (astron.) a constellation (calque of Gwr ..... 'star picture')
añut a moment, point in time; instant; añutipo for just a moment; añut-añut instantly; añutni lus (the) last time (i.e. never again), as kandikre yahoremsa, ne maçindi añutni lus 'before he died, I spoke to him for the last time'-- contrast añutni cosa (the) last time, on a previous occasion; añutni rata (the) next time...; (interj.) añutipo! hold on! ~(wait) just a sec!
(ambu) ADD: andrambu (formal ) prohibition, s.t. forbidden (usu. by law, not usu. a socially or religiously based "taboo")
apik comfort; api-apik comfortable (subj. may be human or inanim, e.g. a chair)
(apral) ADD: aprangurip (celici) (electronic) communicator (alien term)
atel ADD: atenji any small habitable compartment or room (usu. refers to id. in a train car)
ile (ADD:) ile-ile to dig into; rifle the contents of s.t.; cakile-ile to dig into (one's food); get involved in (e.g. a project) with enthusiasm
iricañ to kneel (< ricañ)
iti ADD: appended after numerical expressions, ... or so, e.g. nim lero iti 'five days or so'
itindor DELETE/CHANGE to tindor
ivit a k.o. pan-pipes (Lañ-Lañ, < Prevli hibit/hifti)
ekari (the) one who..., whoever (declinable)-- if necessary to specify gender, ya/ye ekari; ekarike anyone who...; colloq., more common than karikarike
elal ADD (arrange) things
ele ADD ele-ele ombrum intestinal flora/bacteria
elimbekuwa (military) uniform; (servant's) livery-- often pronounced limbekuwa
(eme) ADD ememe as well as, in addition ~additionally
(enje) ADD enjangasi capital city of a country
eçulúk (med.) a blood-vein
eçutevas (med.) capillary
undangayi (colloq. undangi) to record (mechanically, on tape, disk etc.); kañundangi recorder (device); (compd. < rundana angayi copy life) see also tangi
unjucinek ambassador (diplomatic post), < Gwr dzu hu tsih neq lit., government emissary TENTATIVE MAYBE pracinek ????
upan ADD: to accept
(olama) ADD: olama cetre (religious) marriage ceremony; olama kombra (formal) funeral; olama aran naming ceremony (comp.to baptism)
onam ADD onambut bi- or poly-sexual
(onde) ADD ondeka(le) (formal) internal
onocaki (med.) bacterium ~bacteria; germ(s)
oñe ADD: çukoñe to move or go aside/ to one side??? rumoñe to move/push s.t. aside, put s.t. to one side; cakoñe no longer under consideration; out of mind; in parliamentary usage, shelved/tabled, of a proposal
(opor) ADD: opokra(le) (formal) external; ADD añopokrinda space (beyond Cindu, but within the solar system) see also oprañol
oprañol outer space (beyond the galaxy); aposi oprañol space-ship
(oriyos) ADD añoriyos a religious order (there are several); oriyo common title and term of address to a monk
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