General comments: The basic wordlist (about 1100 items, both English/Indonesian, devised by me) was collected in 1972 by Ms. Rina Intan, then a student at IKIP-Malang, Java, in conjunction with course-work in my Comparative MP seminar. Her informants were......., also students in the area. Ms. Intan was definitely a superior student, interested in, and with a good grasp of, general linguistics, and very fluent English; consequently I feel she would likely have understood any ambiguities in either the English or my Indonesian glosses, enabling her, I am sure, to elicit a quite accurate wordlist. Indeed, that was confirmed to me when I later got a copy of Middelkoop (1950), and found that both vocabularies matched to a very high degree. The only major differences were (1) her possible occasional mis-hearing of final -k versus glottal stop; and (2) her transcription of /b/, which she wrote with a fricative symbol ("barred-b") in almost every case. Middelkoop does not mention such a pronunciation, though it might well occur, in view of the -b off-glide after /u/ that he mentions (similar to his "dj" off-glide after /i/, which Ms. Intan writes with -j- and -z). Comparison of the two also suggests that Ms. Intan sometimes had difficulty distinguishing open vs. close è/e and ò/o-- she used the IPA symbols "epsilon" and "reversed-c", so it is not a question of omitting diacritics-- as her forms do not always match Middelkoop’s; but one notes some variation in their occurrence in Middelkoop as well. Perhaps there are dialectal differences, too, but the difficulty is hardly surprising, since these vowels take part in some rather complicated morphophonemic processes-- see Steinhauer (1996) for a recent discussion.
This listing includes not only Ms. Intan’s material, but also most forms and variants cited in Middelkoop (marked M.). In addition, Jonker’s Rotinese dictionary has "Timorese" and other local cognates at many entries, and they are included here (marked J.), along with his cognates. His spellings sometimes differ, but most of his items seem relevant, even if a few seem a bit...shall we say, off-base.
Intan, Rina (1972ms), Comparative Austronesian Wordlist: Dawan. IKIP-Malang, Java, mimeo (in my possession, RFM)
Jonker, J. C. G. 1908, Rotineesch-Hollandsch Woordenboek. Leiden
Middelkoop, Piet 1950, Proeve van een Timorese Grammatica. BKI 106:375-517
Steinhauer, Hein 1996, Morphemic metathesis in Dawanese (Timor), in: Steinhauer, ed., Papers in Austronesian Linguistics No. 3., PacLing A-84: 217-232
a -- ua, eat; M. ah
a’a -- M. a’an, his word; a’at, language; see also ak
abas -- thread; cotton, kapas
abi -- J. to pinch, clasp, klemmen, s.v. Rot. kabi grasp, pick up with tongs; see also habi, kabi
abnin -- M. armpit
abtai -- M. wrap (the lower body); cf. taiz, sarong
aèn -- twist, memulas
aèm -- mui ..., tame (animal); cf. next?
a’èt -- quiet, diam
afi -- yesterday; afitakafi, day before yesterday; M afi, recently, lately; cf. fini
afu -- dust, ashes
ahunud -- first [-d misheard for -t?]; see also hunu, unu
1.ahi -- J. tread, trample, thresh (Rot. a’i id.)
2.ahi -- ~abi, M. press out
ai -- J. pull toward o.s. (Rot. ka’i, Kup. kahi)
ai’ -- or
aifa- -- aifak, (my) lap [the base may be ifa] (J. aif, Rot. ifa)
a’ik -- sharp; M. na’aik (< aki, whetstone?)
ail -- to see; M. mail, just look! kijk eens! (Rot. na-hae look at, notice?)
ain -- M. to run away
ais -- M. to milk
aisa -- in: na-aisa-b, J. tie in bundles; aisa-t, bundle [perh. base isa], s.v. Rot. ise
ait -- to pick up, take
aiz -- fire; flame [off-glide -z] (Rot. ha’i, dial. a’i, ai)
ak -- to say, speak, berkata; M. a
aka -- to hate
aki -- M. whetstone; cf. also kari
akum -- ~aum, J. dew, s.v. Rot. a’u, dial. angu’ mist, fog
1. ala -- certain, tentu
2. ala -- must, have to
3. ala -- M. ~al, ale, all (Amarasi ar, are)
alali -- M. plant sp., Ml. keladi
alu -- a scoop, ladle
aluk -- ~alu’, J. a small bag for sirih, money etc. s.v. Rot. alukosu
ama’ -- father [perh. misheard amak my...?]; ama’nasi grandfather
amès -- to massage [stress indicated on è, base perh. -mès]
amnat -- J. advantage, s.v. Rot. nale-k [?]
amun -- to hate
an -- J. nan, he takes, s.v. Rot. n-ala
an -- M. to buy
ana -- in: au ana in ana, my grandchild; liana’, child; anmanat, orphan (see manat)
ana’ -- little;; M. an-ana; ulana’ drizzle; see ulan
anè -- rice, padi; anèfine, seed-rice, benih; aènoèg, rice-paddy, sawah
anid -- needle [final -d?]
anin -- wind
ani’te’e -- moss; mouldy, muddy
anka’i -- ginger [stress indicated on initial a-; a compd?]
ansaò -- ansaòk (my) chest (anat.); M. ansau-n
aò -- to harrow (agric.)
aòbia -- odd, not even (number), cf. bian
aòsòna -- free; cf. sòna, permit, allow?
aòk -- (for aò-k my...?) body
aòp -- na’aòp, pregnant; cf. next
apus -- M. na-apus (kau), made (me) pregnant
asè -- spicy-hot, pedas
asu -- dog
1. atè- -- liver, hati (~atèf, in genl., atè-n, his...)
2. atè -- M. slave
atfuan -- wasp. (cf. Rot. tekefuak)
atis -- J. loom-- that part in front of the weaver, s.v. Rot, Kup, Tet. id.
atoni -- person, orang; man, orang laki2 (cf. Rot. hataholi)
atpani -- spider, lawa2
atu -- charcoal
au -- I, first pers.pron.; aub, my, mine; M. as object, kau
aum -- u’aum, to wrap [misheard? cf. 1.aun below]
au -- J. dew-- see akum
1. aun -- to wind, roll up
2. aun -- na’aun òn, to move, bergerak
aut --M. push, butt, stoten
Note: In almost all cases, Ms. Intan indicates a fricative pronunciation, using "b with crossbar"; M says nothing about such a pronunciation, so this must be a dialectal or even idiolectal feature. M. does, however, mention a "transitional glide" after u, which he writes "b". The few cases where Intan indicates a "real" b (i.e. without crossbar) will be noted-- but since a real contrast seems unlikely, I attribute her occasional "b"s to mishearing, or slips of the pen.
ba’af -- root; M ba’at "< base ba-"
bab -- J. to help, accompany, s.v. Rot. baba
baba’ -- parents-in-law; uncle; baba’ bifèl, aunt
baè -- M. brother; relative; cf. next
1. ba’è -- brother-in-law
2. ba’è -- u’ba’è, to play, bermain [with b]; M. naba’e ~ -ba’è
baèn -- to pay, bayar
baèt -- to divide (J cites s.v. Rot. ba’e, Tet. fae, Dili fake)
bahan -- fence, pagar
bai -- ~baif, J. mother-in-law
ba’i -- M. kuk.... a Ficus sp.
baiafa -- ~baijafa, J. iguana, s.v. Rot. ba’iafa, Ml. biyawak [the -j- (affricate, "dj" in M.) is transitional after i]
baina’ -- mabaina’ to face, berhadapan; nabaina’, to revolve, pusar
baiso -- M. (~beso, biso, fiso) to hit
bakal -- M. to care for, as an adopted child (Amarasi bakar)
baki -- M. a stone wall
bala -- ~bala-n, M. place (Amarasi bare); Intan has: liana’balèn, womb [with b]
balab -- ubalab, to divide, apportion (e.g. food) [the -b- might be the transitional glide after u-, or a trans.sfx.]
balaèn -- brave, berani
balas -- repay, requite, membalas
balè’ -- things, goods, barang2; prob.also in: fase balè’, wash clothes etc. (not dishes)
baliku -- M. a bamboo container for water
bana -- M. animal(s), fauna
banu -- widow (M. ‘rouw-pemali’)
basa -- shoe(s) [with b]
1. basin -- mosquito
2. basin -- grey
bat -- natbat, J. to lie/sit across, to block, s.v. Rot. babá, natabá; cf. Intan: nakabatòn, athwart, melintang
1. bati -- M. if, unless
2. bati -- J. divide, apportion, s.v. Rot. id., Kup. bating; see baèt; cf. next
batis -- to separate, pisahkan
bau -- na’bau, small; u’baun, to make smaller, reduce, kecilkan
ba’u -- a bat, kalong (J gives kba’u, Amar. baka’u, s.v. Rot. bauk, Kup kfau)
bau’kulu -- M. a tree, Ml. bengkudu; J gives bakulu s.v. Rot. manukudu
baut -- M. baggage ("deriv. of bau carry"); cf. perh. Port. bau ‘trunk’
1. bè’ -- ubè’, can, may, bisa, boleh; see also bei; perh. cf. bi’
2. bè’ -- J. alert, awake; watch, guard (Rot. bè’e, Kup. bè, Savu beke)
beba -- J. rib of a palm leaf (Rot. id., Kup hepang, Tet. bebak)
bèbè -- duck, bebek
be’e -- crocodile (M. gives besi, be’i; Rot. be’i)
1. bei -- ~be’i, M. strong; be able (also J. s.v. Rot. na-be’i)
2. bei -- ~be’i, M. grandmother
bèko -- J. shake (the rear end), wag the tail, kwispelstaarten, s.v. Rot. beko; see also hèko
bèla -- M. to set or lay down (Amar. bèra); see also pèla
bela -- "ba-bela", M. tradition
belis -- M. bride-price
bèlò’ -- boat, canoe, perahu
bèòk -- to turn; deviate, turn aside
bèna’ -- plank, board
bènan -- kabènan, M. breadth
benas -- machete
benòn -- ma’benon, to stretch out, membujur
bese -- iron; copper; knife; kris (M. besi)
beso -- M. to hit (also baiso, biso, fiso, nèso, naiso)
bet -- to choose, memilih
bètab -- mabètab, to fight cocks (with a steel spur)
bete -- sarong; betana’, scarf
betu -- nakbetu, J. flexible (fingers); bend, bent, s.v. Rot. na-ka-betu id., cites Bug. wëttu’
bi’ -- ubi’, willing, sanggup
bia -- M. buffalo
biak -- friend, associate, partner
bian -- other, another; ma’bian, even (number), genap; side, edge; u’bian, (sit) side by side
bi’an -- M. beloved
bibi -- goat
bifèl -- woman; ...munif, young girl, maiden, dara; baba’..., aunt
bifò -- rat, mouse (M. gives Amar. knafo, S.Coast nafo, W.Timor ifo)
bijael -- cow, sapi [transitional -j-, stress indicated on bi-]; bijael mètò’, buffalo, kerbau
bijas -- common, popular; usual, biasa [transitional -j-]
bikase’ -- horse [stress on bi-]
bik -- ~fiki, M. scar
biklusu -- ~biklu’u, M. in pantuns, the cecak lizard. Intan writes “bikëlut” (accent on bi-) cecak
bil -- mata bil, to close the eyes
bilu -- blue, biru
biso -- M. to hit (~beso, baiso, fiso; also as bius in a phrase-- see nis)
bisuh -- boil, bisul
biul -- to dance
biut -- M. liana
biut -- (Amarasi) J. throw with a sling, s.v. Rot. pilu, Dili tali fifiruk
blafi -- J. tripang; see lafi
bnapak -- (for bnapa-k, my...?) rib, rusuk
bnik -- ubnik, to forget; M. eni (Intan’s ubnik perh. for u-(b)(e>0)nik ?)
bnòkò -- hill
1. bò -- anbò, M. divide; bò’an, bo’on, id.
2. bò -- to open, bloom; M. natbò, opened, of a flower
3. bò -- bò’ès, ten; bò’ès mèsè eleven, bò’ès nu twelve; bònu twenty, bòteon 30, bòha 40, bònim 50, bòne 60, bòhiut 70, bòfaun 80, bòsiu 90
bòb -- nasbòb, J. to slurp, s.v. Rot. sa-boba
boè -- M. to grow
1. bòè -- to peel
2. bòè -- natbòè, to float
bofu -- J. fish-trap, s.v. Rot. bufu, dial. fufu, Kup. buhu
boh -- to cough. Note Sika bo’o
bo’i -- J. a coconut shell used to store sugar, s.v. Rot. bobo’ik
bòk -- pull out, uproot, cabut
1. bòkò -- bald
2. bòkò -- pumpkin, gourd, labu; M. id. ~aboko; J id., Rot. bòngo
bòl -- anbòl, M. to rise, come up
bòla’ -- J. hole (Rot. bòlok); Intan: u’bòla’, to drill; na’bola’, to leak; perh. fatubola’, cave [mishead o’s, or slip of the pen?]
bolè -- ~bo’è, M. to castrate; see also buli ~bu’i
bonè -- M. the arèn-palm (J gives bòne ~bònel s.v. Rot. bòle, arèn-fibres (ijuk), in compds.)
bone’ -- u’bone’, to hang; M. boni ~poni, naboni; Amar. nakborit
bòno’ -- J. smallpox (s.v. Rot. dial. bobòlo schurft)
bòto -- botbòto, J. to whisper (s.v. Rot. dial. boboto’)
buab -- na- to assemble, berkumpul; u- to gather, kumpulkan
bu’af -- ~bu’uf, in: nit...., M. a silver armband
bu’an -- M. buttocks; cf. bu’u
bu’at -- akbu’at, M. knotted; cf. bu’u
bubu -- round; probably in: na’bubu, dull, not sharp
buka -- M. a millet sp.
bukis -- M. naked
bulaòl -- noisy, riuh
1. buli -- ~bu’i M. to castrate (also as bolè ~bo’è)
2. buli -- M. to thwart, incite; see also fuli
buta’ -- na’buta’, sticky, pulut
bu’u -- (hau)...., M. lump or knot on a tree. M posits a root bu- (*buku) here and in bu’an, bu’at)
1. ek -- carry, bring; M. eki (Ro’i dial. (k)eri)
2. ek -- with, by means of
3. ek -- to win
èk -- u’èk, to close, cover, menutup
èkan -- ~èk fuiz, M. pandanus; èk tani, aloe; Intan: èk-kase pineapple
eku -- M. go in a circle; cf. next(?) and iku
ekut -- M. rattan ring to support a pot (M. derives from the preceding); J. cites id. s.v. Rot. èkek
èlak -- ladder
ember -- bucket (< Dutch)
ena’ -- mother [perh. for ena-k ?]; ena’ nasi, grandmother; cf. next?
enaf -- in: ni’ enaf, mast
eni -- M. to forget; cf. bnik
eno -- M. door (M notes: e/è vary in this word)
èno’ -- J. road, path, s.v. Rot. dial. èno, Tet. inuk
enuk -- gall, bile, empedu [prob. enu-k, my....]
enus -- J. rainbow (s.v. Rot. elus, and cf. Let. yunsu)
1. ès -- each, every, tiap2; ès’ès, respectively, masing2
2. ès -- a genl. preposition: in, at, on, under-- ès’i, here; èsme, where; ès mònè, outside (M. bi mone); ès naè, there (far), disana; ès nan, there (near), disitu; ès nanan, inside
èsan -- be, there is, ada
1.ès’òk -- stop by, visit, singgah [perh. a compd?]
2. ès’òk -- maès’òk, dark, gelap
esu’ -- rice mortar, lesung
èt -- u’èt, to trim, prune; cf. kèut?
eu -- to shave, cukur; cf. keu, peu
euk -- u’euk, to meet, bertemu
fae -- ~fael, J. a hard, flat fruit, s.v. Rot. fafa’e
faèn -- return, go home; cf. fani
faès -- to wash
faf -- ~fafa, M. to care for; cf. bab
fafi -- pig (M. cites Amar. fauf)
fafon -- M. top, on top
1. fai -- J. to open (pack, basket), s.v. Rot. fei
2. fai -- night; fainadnán, late night [cf. Rot. fafaik, morning]
fakel -- ~fokel, M. to lash
faki’ -- u’faki’, to sink into mud
faku -- faku nais ~fauk ais, J. cites unglossed s.v. Rot. fanuk (~fanduk), fai-fanuk, dry season.
falò -- earring. M. falo ~faul
fane -- J. a storage pot, s.v. Rot. bane, Kup. id.; [Cf. Yamd. fane, Slaru ani, clay pot]
1. fani -- axe
2. fani -- eusfani ~esufani, J. to sneeze, s.v. Rot. kisu-fani (Tet. fani, Sav. bëñi); Intan, iusfaèn
fani’ -- mufani’, to return s.t., bring s.t. back, kembalikan
fat -- oè fat, J. rain at sea; the west monsoon, s.v. Rot. oè-fak, id.
fatu -- J. a shellfish, s.v. Rot. dial. babatu’
fatu -- stone; ....kautu’, gravel; ....tasi, coral
1. fau -- J. a tree, Hibiscus tiliaceus, s.v. Rot. bau, Kup. id.
2. fau -- namfau, many; fauk, how much, how many (cf. Rot. ba’u, much)
faub -- mafaub, coarse, thick [off-glide -b ?]; cf. next?
1. faun -- mafaun, J. fat, s.v. Rot. ba’u, much, Kup babakun
2. faun -- eight
fe -- to open; cf. fai ?
fè -- to give; to lend
fè’ -- progressive marker,, sedang...; cf. also fè’ès, fè’kah
fè’ès -- nafè’ès, rare, seldom, jarang; often, sering(kali) [contradictory, possibly a misunderstanding?]
fefa -- lips; mouth; mu’it in fefan, (animal’s) snout
fèk -- ufèk, to break off, putus
fè’kah -- not yet, belum; never; before, sebelum; M. fèka
feku -- J. a k.o. flute, s.v. Rot. id.
fèl -- wife; cf. bifèl
felik -- sit with legs crossed, bersila
1. fèn -- get up, wake up; fèn maèn, get up (from sitting)
2. fèn -- mafèn, heavy. M. fèna
fenu -- J. bend, bent (Rot. id.)
feon -- feon kase, a poisonous tree sp., ipuh
fesu -- ~fosu, M. to remove (e.g. ring from finger); M. equates with anhesu, anhosu ‘pull out’
fesun -- òèl fesun, current (in water)
fètò -- in: au fètò’ [for fètò-k?], my sister; M. li fèto young girl¸ het meisje
1. feu -- M. a tree sp.
2. feu -- new
fe’u -- fresh, segar
feus -- hard (of a blow); cf. beso, fiso etc. ‘to hit’
fiki -- ~biki, M. scar
filuli -- ~filuil, M. care about, be concerned, < Ml/Arab. peduli
1. fini -- M. yesterday; finifai, last night
2. fini -- M. seed
firú -- M. to need, < Ml/Arab. perlu
fiso -- M. to hit; cf. beso etc.
fit -- carry in the hand, jinjing
fiti -- calf of the leg
fkun -- star; M. afkun ~akfun
fò -- fòn, smell, odor; nafò’, to smell, berbau; fomeni, nafomin, fragrant
fòe -- J. stand up, arise; s.v. Rot. id. ~fo’a
foet -- to cut; perh. cf. M. otè, chop down
foi -- J. to lever, pry up, to dig; s.v. Rot. id., dial. fo’i, foki
fòka -- M. a bamboo tube
fokat -- M a k.o. grasshopper
fòl -- to bind
fòlè -- rudder. (J s.v. Rot. uli cites Tim. munif)
fòn -- to rub, polish; J. fon ~fonè, to sharpen, s.v. Rot. fola, Kup. hola
fosu -- ~fesu, M. remove (e.g. ring from the finger); cf. hesu ~hosu
fu -- to blow; see also sfu, sbu
fua -- fua-k, (my) heart; nima-k fua-n, (my) finger; ane fuan, grain of rice
fuat -- to look up, tengadah
fue -- ~fuel, J. beans (spp.), s.v. Rot. fue
fufu’ -- J. wood- or rice-worm, s.v. Rot. fufuk
fui -- M. wild; foreign; J. also, s.v. Rot. fu’i(k)
fukat -- fringe
fula’ -- flower
fule -- fulèn, foam; J. na-fule, to foam (Amar. fure), s.v. Rot. fude(k)
fuli -- M. persuade; flatter; to lure (Amar. furi); J also s.v. Rot. fufudi
fun -- because
funan -- moon
funu -- M. long (hair); M. equates with Ml. bulu
1. fut -- in: fut manu, cock-fight (without steel spur)
2. fut -- to tie; wind up; M. futu, futus; cf. next?
futu’ -- loincloth
fu’un -- anfu’un, M. (it is) swollen
ha -- four
habi -- M. pinch, clasp; see also abi
habu -- M. cloud, mist
1. haè- -- foot, leg; ~haèk, my...; noèlahaèn, upstream [river+...]
2. haè -- tired, payah; cf. next?
ha’è -- na-ha’è, J. to gasp, pant, hijgen, s.v. Rot. hae, breathe; Sik. naing, Savu pengae
haèk -- to stand, berdiri; cf. hakèp
haèn -- ukhaèn, to dig, menggali; M. hani
hafo -- J. shadow, shade, s.v. Rot. mafo, cool off, dial. mafo’, shadow; cf. mafò
1. hai -- we (excl.), kami; haiz, our; M. notes kai, as object
2. hai -- mahai, M. sour
1. haif -- J. ray (fish), s.v. Rot. hai id.
2. haif -- in: haif nu, twice; haif mèsè’, once
haim -- in: haim faun, millipede, alipan
hakèp -- uhakèp, to build, membangun [for hakèb with -b (caus.suffix), misheard?]
hala’ -- bed, tempat tidur; M cites Amar. harak, balai; bala ?
han -- uhan, to cook; prob.also in: umè’ hana’, kitchen; nai hana’, cooking pot
hana- -- hana-k, (my) voice; hanaf, sound, noise; hana’naèk, loud
hano -- nahano, white flecks on the skin, panau (J. also, s.v. Rot. hahano id.)
1. hanu- -- hanu-k, (my) shoulder
2. hanu -- pestle, rice-pounder, alu
hao -- J. eat with the hand, s.v. Rot. hao id.; perh. cf. 1.hau
ha’o -- M. slave, servant
hape -- J. spit, saliva, s.v. Rot. ape, Kup. kapen
1. hapu -- M. tread, step
2. hapu -- J. catch up with; find, get, have, s.v. Rot. id., Sav. peabu
hapun -- mihapun, to plow
hat -- u’hat, to deliver, mengantarkan
1. hau -- to feed
2. hau -- wood; haub, tree; haufua’, fruit; J. hau-fò, a fruit tree sp, s.v. Rot. kaifòk
hè -- want, will, mau
hei -- J. in: poè hei, a crab sp., s.v. Rot. poè hèk
he’i -- mahe’i, J. sour, s.v. Rot. kei, makeis; 2.hai
hèke -- J. put around the neck, s.v. Rot. hènge, to tie
hèko -- J. shake (the rear end), wag the tail, kwispelstaarten; cf. bèko
hèl -- to pull; stretch, extend; uhèlan, to tighten. J cites hèl ~hèla, Amar. hera, s.v. Rot. hela, Kup. pela
hèlòn -- recede, go back, surut
hena -- J. hope, s.v. Rot. id., compares Ml. hendak
hè’ò -- saw (tool); uhèò’ bèna’, saw (a log) into planks. J. has hèo s.v. Rot. hòlo ~hòro, Kup. holat [?]
hèò -- na’hèò, tight, erat
heukil ~hiukil -- M. full-grown (of maize)-- a compd.?
heta -- ~heti, hetu, M. to stop flowing
heun -- naheun, to cover, menghampar
heus -- pull out; draw (a sword); M. an-hesu id., cf. also fesu
hi -- 2nd plur.pron, you (all); M notes ki, as object
hil -- to cut
hin -- to know, tahu, kenal; prob. nahin, clever. J. gives hine s.v. Rot.dial. id.
hit -- we (incl.), kita; M. notes kit, as object
hiu -- shark¸ hiu [perh.repeating the BI gloss?]
hiun -- nahiun, full, penuh; M. heun
hiut -- seven
ho -- yes [an alternative pronunciation is given as “h+nasalized schwa”]
1. hò -- nathò, M. collapse
2. hò -- ~hòm, 2nd pers.sing, thou; hòb, your; M notes ko, as object, and mentions “there is no h- in Amanuban dial.”
hòb -- to embrace
hòèf -- ditch, selokan
hoi -- J. to dry in the sun, s.v. Rot, Kup. id.
hok -- J. to call, summon, s.v. Rot. hoka ~ho’a
honi- -- give birth (?) in: M. nahonis, (has) given birth; Intan kana’honif, barren, sterile
honu -- nonu, J. strip off with the hand, s.v. Rot. kolu; Intan: hon nof, strip off leaves
hopi -- hopi ai, M. to lay a fire
hopu -- M. to run hard, gallop
hòsò’ -- mud; nahòsò’, muddy
hosu -- M. to pull out (equates with -hesu; see heus)
huè -- ~huè’è, M. a tree, Ml. kayuputih
huita -- J. incite, urge on, s.v. Rot. huti ~kahuhutik
huk -- to hold, pegang
huki -- turmeric, kunyit
humaf -- color
huma’mòè -- pretend(ing), pura2 [a likely compd.]
hune -- ~hunel, J. ringworm, s.v. Rot. bubuni, Sav. wuni
hunik -- breath, nyawa [perhaps huni-k, my...]
hunu -- nahunu, J. earlier, first, s.v. Rot. kahuluk; see also ahunud, unu
husik -- nathusik, to fester, membarah
hutu -- louse
i -- this; ès’i, here
ifo -- M. mouse; cf. bifo
ika’ -- fish; nafò ika’, rancid, fishy smell, bau hanyir
ikas -- naikas, M. (he) lift(s)
ike -- ~ikel, J. a k.o. spindle, s.v. Rot. ine ~inde
ikò- -- ikòn (its) tail
iku -- M. sit in a circle; cf. eku
ila- -- ilak (my) forehead
in -- he, she, 3rd sing.pron.; ini, his, her
ina’ -- perhaps, barankali
1. ini -- to choose; J also, s.v. Rot. hele
2. ini -- J. sharpen to a point, s.v. Rot. kili ~kiri; see also kini
insang -- gills of a fish, insang [prob.repeat of the BI gloss]
inu -- M. bead(s); cf. next
inuh -- J. wear around the neck, s.v. Rot. henu, bead(s)
is -- M. to win; lucky
1. isa -- paisa, M. to flatter, coax
2. isa -- (?) poss.base of aisa (J), q.v.
isi -- J. to peel; scale a fish, s.v. Rot. isi id.
iun -- to drink
ius -- in: iusfaèn, sneeze, bersin; see also fani
jaèl -- be, become, happen, jadi
jak -- a fruit, nangka
jijabu -- ghost (stress marked on ji-); M. derives < Port. diabo ‘devil’
ka -- M. bunch (of bananas)
ka -- M. no, not; Intan kah; kantef, less, kurang; kaiz, do not..., jangan (M. kaisa), and perh.others
kaba’ -- wire, kawat
kabenu -- fly (insect), lalat
kabi -- pinch, clasp; cf. abi
kabiti -- M. scorpion
kaboè -- M. sceptre
1. kaè -- to cry, weep, tangis; kaèn, lament, cry over (J. cites s.v. Rot. ki, Kup kia)
2. kaè -- M. taboo
kael -- J. cockatoo, s.v. Rot. kakae
kaès -- to scratch
kafa -- makafa, J. fast, fleet of foot, s.v. Rot. nggafa-k, dial. nggafa-t, light in weight; cf. also naf
kafun -- J. to shake out (e.g. clothing), s.v. Rot. nggafu
1. kai -- M. to collapse
2. kai -- ~ka’i, J. to catch, to hook, s.v. Rot. kai; cf. next?
kain -- nakain, J. to block, hinder, s.v. Rot. ka’i
kaiz -- paddle, oar, gayung
kak -- namkak, M. amazed, surprised
kaka -- in: mat kaka, window, jendela
kakò -- M. rainbow
kal -- defeated, kalah; kalab, to defeat
kalabeo -- ~kalabe’o, M. a frog
kala’i -- to winnow; cf. next?
kalaiz -- a basket, keranjang [-z off-glide]
kalapeo -- M. onion; see also piòb
kalas -- J. cites kun-kalas without gloss s.v. Rot. ngga-nggala-s, jaw of a fish, Sav. hegara, palate, jaw
kalila’ -- thorn
kalis -- line, stripe
kalu -- if, kalau [poss. < the BI/Ml ?]
kam -- ~kama, M. to blame
kana -- makana, M. substantial
kana- -- kanak (my) name
kano -- ~kaun, M. to weave
kanu -- irrigation channel
kao -- J. gather together with the hand, s.v. Rot. id.
kari -- J. (Amar.) whetstone, s.v. Rot. dial. andi, Tet. kadi; see also aki
kase -- J. prob “foreign, i.e. imported” [perh., cultivated]; M. kasè-- seen in several plant/animal names, e.g. èk-kase, pineapple; J. compares Rot. hade-kase, a type of rice
kato -- J. to insert; to thread, s.v. Rot. nato
kau -- M. objective case of au, I
ka’u -- ~kau, M. flower, bloom (also cited with -n)
kaulòtò’ -- eggplant, terung
kauna’ -- snake; kaunana’, worm; kaun ma’lafu’, insect(s); J. kaun-sao, a poisonous snake, s.v. Rot. kaisao
kaut -- M. papaya
kautu’ -- in: fatu kautu’, gravel
kè’an -- room, kamar
kèke -- naskèke, J. to start, be startled, s.v. Rot. nggengge, Kup. keka; Intan: uskèkèn, to jerk
kèl -- (sea) turtle, penyu; ... mètò’ (land) tortoise, kura2; J. id. ~kè s.v. Rot. kea
kèlo -- (Amar. kèro) J. a monkey sp., s.v. Rot. kode, Sav. ko’de
kèn -- to shoot (a gun); cf. next
kènat -- gun, bedil
kenom -- M. a tree sp., Melaleuca
kèt -- M. a drum
keu -- J. scrape, shave, s.v. Rot. nggeu; see also eu, peu
keut -- to chop, cut off
ki -- J. the blossom/inflorescence of palms, bananas, s.v. Rot. nggik, Dili kiu
kiki -- ~skiki, brush
kikir -- to file, kikir [perh.repeat of the BI gloss?]
kiku’ -- to scatter, sow
kili -- a comb; M id., Amar. kiri
kimu’ -- late afternoon, dusk, soré
1. kini -- vein, urat darah
2. kini -- J. sharpen to a point, s.v. Rot. kili ~kiri; see also ini
kiòs -- to look at, tinjau; cf. kius
kis -- M. in: kis lubu ~kis lubai, a thorny plant
1. kiu -- uskiu, to smell, sniff
2. kiu -- M. kiu kase, tamarind
kiun -- ukiun, to spit; M. nakiun ~na-niun
kius -- M. to see (mentions Amar. tius id., “rare”); cf. kiòs
klaut -- bow, arrow
klele -- finger-ring, cincin; nakak klele, curly-haired. J. kleli, Amar. kreni, s.v. Rot. ndeli
klè’ò -- few; little bit, sedikit [also written with a schwa in k__l...]
klul -- M. toe (Amar. kruru-n)
knasa -- J. a fish, Ml. belanak, s.v. Rot. nase
ko -- M. objective case of ho, thou
kò -- from, come from (as, u’kò ‘I’m from...’); prob. in: na’kò, since, sejak. See M. p.417 on the conjugation of some “prepositions”
1. kòa -- umkòa, to daydream
2. kòa -- to shout, cry out, call
1. koè -- ankoè lit, M. thick, of soup, porridge [poss. deriv. < oè ‘water’?]
2. koè -- makoè, M. zealous
kòèk -- to poke, stick, sungkit
koi -- nakoi, hakoi, J. to bury, s.v. Rot. toi
koko -- natkoko, M. to collapse, fall in
kòlè’ -- short, of people; M. kolè
kòlò -- bird (in genl.); as kòl- in compds: kòlanè, rice-bird; kòlkasè, kòlunu, pigeon spp.
kòlò’ -- u’kòlò’, to hide (one’s self)
kòn -- nakòn, to bark; perh. cf. kòn(o) ‘snort’
kona -- ~kono, M. hole
konin -- (koni-n?) M. tusk (slagtand)
1.kòno -- nakòno ~nakòn, J. to snort, s.v. Rot. nggòlo id.); cf. kòn ‘bark’, and/or next
2. kòno -- na-sa-kòno, J. to slurp, sip, s.v. Rot. na-sa-kò, dial. -kòro
kònò- -- (kònò-k) (my) beard
konof -- M. a moss sp.
kopu -- M. to have a hole in...
kot -- ~koat, M. fortress [certainly < Ml. kota]
kotè- -- kotèk (my) back. Perh. misheard, cf. kotin, back, behind, dibelakang; M. id., J. koti- s.v. Rot. nggotik, lower back
kòtò’ -- spotted, belang
ko’u -- M. dumb, stupid, dom
ku- -- reflexive formant, -self, sendiri, in: aukuk myself, hòkum yourself, inkun him/herself; haikuk, hitkuk ourselves; sinkuk themselves
kua -- M. to drop off, fall (of leaves)
kuan -- village
kub -- ankub, M. to cover
kubi -- a half coconut shell used as a cup/container [perhaps for kui (see below) if the -b- is transitional]
kuè -- ~ku’è, M. hoof
kuèn -- in: liana’ kuèn, twin(s); M gives Amar. an-rua
kui -- M. a scoop; Intan ku’i, id. gayung; J. kui, scoop out from a pot, s.v. Rot. ndui
kuk -- in: kuk ba’i, M. a Ficus sp.
kulaf -- vinegar, cuka
kulat -- ~kulit, M. a basket
kumu -- J. to knead, s.v. Rot. dial. ku-kumu, Tet. kumu; cf. next
kumu -- J. to make a fist, s.v. Rot. dial. kumu, close the hand over s.t.
kun -- nakun, J. hide s.t. in folds of a cloth, s.v. Rot. kuna, folds of fat
kuna -- J. nest, s.v. Rot. ndunu
kunum -- J. unglossed, s.v. Rot. kunu (Sav. id.) ‘element found in a number of plant names’
kusat -- nail, paku
kusi -- water jar, guci
kutlu -- (Amar. kutru) J. an owl, s.v. Rot. dial. tuturuik, tutuluik
la-- J. a temporary hut, shed; addition, s.v. Rot. lak, Tet. salák
laat -- M. leaf-sheath
1. lab -- to feel, meraba
2. lab -- naklab, J. to wind around, s.v. Rot. ka-laba
laba -- M. quick; cf. nap
laèt -- weak, lemah
laèn -- in: tlaèn, M. branch
laèp -- to patch, repair
lafi -- perh.base of blafi (Amar. brafi), J. tripang, s.v. Rot. nafi
lafu -- malafu, maklafu, M. dust, dirt. J. mak-lafu’, dry dirt (Amar. -rafu’), s.v. Rot. kadafut; cf. afu, and next
lafu’ -- in: kaun ma’lafu’, insect(s)
lahi -- J. dirt on the skin, grime, daki (Amar. rahi), s.v. Rot. da’i; M id., cf.also lèhè, lèkè
1. lai -- naflai, J. to strike a fire, s.v. Rot. aik, flint, Kup. blait [cf. Ford. larit, flint]
2. lai -- nalai, J. put aside, save (Amar. rai), s.v.Rot. dai, Tet. rai
laikfit -- to jump, melompat [prob. compd.]
lait -- na’lait, tall, tinggi
lak -- to cross, cross over, menyeberang; M. an-lak
lakan -- J. to trade, s.v. Rot. dangan “< Ml. dagang”
lakat -- M. hand-span
lake’ -- J. a leech (Amar. rake’), s.v. Rot. ndaki, k.o. water-snake
laku -- a tuber, ubi
lal -- J. to roast (Amar. rar), s.v. Rot. dala
lalan -- road; lal sekit, crossroads; M. id., Amar. ranan
lali -- klali (Amar. krani), M. incense, Ml. kemenyan
lalit -- after, sesudah; M. na-lali
lalò’ -- in a row/line, berjajar
lamè’ -- busy, lively, ramai [likely from the BI/Ml.]
lami -- to lick
las -- to taste, feel, rasa [likely from the BI/Ml.]
lasan -- J. underlayment, base, support (Amar. rasak), s.v. Rot. lasa
lasi -- M. affair, matter, zaak
lasò -- poison, racun
lau -- M. tweezers, tongs
1. lè’ -- when; during; lè’i now, lè’mè which?; lèka when?
2. lè’ -- to knock; cf. 1,2 leku
lèal -- the common people [perh. < Port. leal ‘loyal’?]
lèat -- M. curse
lèk -- to point
lèka -- M. image, tale (Amar. reta)
lèkat -- M. decision
lèkè -- dirt on the skin, grime, daki; nalèkè’, dirty, kotor; M. id. ~lèhè, lahi, and lèhèl, cloudy, turbid (of water); perh. cf. next
lèkè’ -- nalèkè’, vague, indistinct, samar
lèkò’ -- ulèkò’, to restore, memulihkan; cf. next, and lèòk
lèkòf -- in: kanalèkòf, ugly [not+...]; cf. lèòk
1. leku -- J. to hit with a stick, s.v. Rot. li’u, Kup. diku, Tet. deko; same as next?, and cf. lè’
2. leku -- M.hour; to strike the hour
lèl -- ma’lèl, narrow, sempit
lèlè -- field; M. id., Amar. lène
lelen -- steel spur for cockfighting, taji; M. leli-n
lelu -- M. to claim
lèm -- to sink, drown
lenu -- J. to send, order (Amar. renu), s.v. Rot. denu; cf. leol
1. leo -- nableo, M. to touch (Amar. nabreo), also ~leof, neof
2. leo -- M. a snare; nakleo, lassoo a horse; also ~lio, le’o
lè’o -- klè’o, a little, few sedikit [also written with schwa between k__l...]
lèòk -- nalèòk, good; well, healthy; fresh; perfect; M. gives Amar. reko
leol -- to command, order; cf. lenu
lèp -- ~lèpa, J. to plunge, dunk, s.v. Rot. dòpe, Kup. dèpe
lepo -- embers, glowing coals
lèsò’ -- naklèsò’, thick, viscous
let -- smooth, lancar
le’u -- forbidden, taboo; M ‘holy, awesome’; cf. le’uk ?
leuk -- naleuk, sail along the coast
le’uk -- amle’uk, bad, jelek; cf. next?
leu’ -- namleu’, broken, damaged; M. namle’u
li -- left (hand), kiri
li- ~li’- -- in: liana’, child; lián mònè, son; lián bifèl, daughter; prob. M. liat ~li’at, young man; note also M. liana ~leana, child
li’ -- in: li’tu, to kneel [perh. li’ ‘bend’+ knee?]
lia -- namlia, M. luxuriant
1. liat -- ~li’at, M. young man
2. liat -- makliat, M. sticky; cf. lit
liko -- in: kliko, younger/youngest child
lil -- namlil, M. glad, joyful; also ~malin, halin; Amar. hairin(i), to make glad; see lilè
lilah -- M. pomegranate; cf. Rot. lilak; Tetl dila, Galoli ai-dilan, papaya
lilè-- mlilè, happy
lilu -- in: paililu, M. go around, wander. M claims < Port. perdido ‘lost’
limlima’ -- firefly
1. lio -- ~leo, M. snare; cf. next ?
2. lio -- u’lio, to tie/make nets
lis -- to spatter, merecik
lisò -- M. when, same as lèka
lit -- M. glue, bird-lime; cf. Rot. didite
li’u -- na’li’u, shiny, glittering
liu’ -- to chase; M. an-li’u, chase away
lò -- far [written with an initial glottal stop+l, perh. emphatic, or misheard “klò”?]; muklò’òn, move s.t. away, menjauhkan
loa -- loa sisi, M. a wild dove sp.
lòa’ -- to vomit
loam -- ~loan, M. a tree sp.
lo’an -- M. a prop, forked stick
loe’ -- to pry, gouge, cungkil; cf. lo’i
lòè’ -- ulòè’, to swim; M. loè; perh. cf. next
loeb -- naloeb, to float
lo’èn -- manlo’èn, M. to offer sirih
lòf -- in: lòf’ai’, just in case, nyampang
loi -- J. carry on a stick over the back (Amar. roi), s.v. Rot. doi, Sav. ’dui
lo’i -- J. poke, pry out (Amar. ro’i), s.v. Rot. do’i, Sik. dokit
loil -- in: loil kase, potato, kentang; M. loli-n, ubi, ~luèl, Amar. roèt; perh. cf. luel, luèl
lòl -- to slaughter
lòlè- -- lòlèk (my) brain; M. gives Amar. rone; cf. Rot. dodòlek; Tet. dolen, Sav.’dole ‘marrow’
lolè’ -- to drip [perh.misheard]; M. loli ~loni
lolu -- M. fish-hook; anchor; cf. lonu
lomi -- M. be willing; cf. luem
lòn -- na-lòn, M (Amanuban dial.) to spit
lonu -- M. anchor
lòpò -- M. a k.o. hut
lote’ -- weaver’s batten, belira
lòto -- naklòto, J. to boil, cook (Amar. ròto), s.v. Rot. ka-dòto; M na-lòt ‘it cooks’
lòtòs -- thunder
lu’ -- see lulu
lua -- klua, M. praise
luel -- maluel, soft; fine, delicate; M. also ~maluil, manu’è (?)
luèl -- M. all food plants
luem -- to like, suka(i)
luetan -- uluetan, to arrange, mengatur [morph. complex?]
1. lui -- J. manatee, s.v. Rot. luik, Kup. duing
2. lui -- naklui, M. of a bird, to defecate (Amar. rui)
luin -- fall; collapse, fall down; perh. M. maluin, bent? [or perh. < Port. ruim ‘wretched, bad’ or ruina ‘ruin’?]
lukè- -- lukèk (my) ear; M. Amar. ruki-n
lukèf -- M. a small plate
luku -- fathom, depa
1. lul -- direct, terus
2. lul -- J. engrave, carve (Amar. run) s.v. Rot. dula(k) figures/ornaments on sarongs (?)
lulu -- ~lu’, na-, M. of a river, to roar
luluf -- J. lip, s.v. Rot. dial. nudu’; see also nuruf
lum -- J. only, just (Amar. rum), s.v. Rot. luma, some, a few
luma’ -- dew
luman -- there is not, tidak ada; empty; M. Amar. ruman, empty
lup -- to sip, hirup
lus -- a deer, rusa
lupit -- ~klipit, M. wall of a house (“same as nikit”)
ma -- and
ma- -- mak (my) tongue
mabè’ -- in: neon mabè’, afternoon; M. mabe
mae -- ~mael, J. a plant sp., s.v. Rot. mae
maè -- nèk maè, ashamed [nèk- ‘soul’+...]
ma’èk -- kama’èk, jagged, sumbing
maèn -- to laugh; to love
maèt -- to die; u’maèt, to kill
mafò’ -- ~mafòn, shade, shadow; prob. usmaòf, to shelter; J. mafo, hafo s.v. Rot. mafo, to cool off; cf. hafo
mahat -- to itch [stress indicated on ma-]
maka’ -- cooked rice, food, nasi [stress on ma-]; cf. next
makkoè -- porridge, bubur [prob.compd. maka’+koè, q.v.]
mako’ -- bowl, mangkok [prob. < the BI/Ml.]
malo -- J. medicine (Amar. maro), s.v. Rot. mòdo
mam -- anmam, M. chew sirih
man -- naman, midday, siang; perh. cf. manas
manane -- ~mnane M. witch-doctor
manas -- sun; also in: mansa saèn, east [...+rise], mansa mofun, west [...+fall]
manat -- J. in: anmanat, orphan, s.v. Rot. ma: ana mamák
mantanan -- light, ray, sinar [presumably a compd. manas+....?]
manu -- chicken
maòf -- dizzy, mabuk
masan -- M. to appear [perh. pfx. ma+san?]
mas’ek -- slippery [the cluster -s’- seems anomalous; prob. compd., the components are unclear]
1. masi -- salt, masin [likely < the BI/Ml.]
2. masi -- although, meskipun [perh. < the BI/Ml.]
masu’ -- smoke, asap
mat- -- a pfx. to express reciprocity, as mat/tulun ‘help each other’
mata- -- matak (my) eye; matan, in front (of); matnin, ogle, leer, jeling; matkaka’, window
matè’ -- fresh, unripe; prob. matèl, green, hijau; M has matè for both
mau -- na’mau, rich
ma’u -- weeds, grass, rumput; M. id. ~mau
maun -- ~namaun, hard (of wood), teras
mauku -- M. a marsupial animal, Ml. kuskus
maus -- J. tame, s.v. Rot. ka-mau, Tet. maus
1. mè -- but
2. mè -- in: ònmè, how? bagaimana; M. onmè
3. mè -- in: u’mè, to stare; cf. also nami
mè’ -- red
melan -- umelan, to wink, blink
mèlò -- M. to fall silent
mèn -- sick; pain, painful; smarting; mènas, sickness; in: nèkmèn, regret; disappointed [nèk ‘soul’+...]
mene’ -- in: fomene’, spices; cf. min
menu -- M. bitter; see also meon
meo -- tomorrow
mèò -- cat
meon -- bitter, pahit
mèòn -- thirsty
meop -- to work, bekerja; M. mepu
mès -- amès, to squeeze, press; cf. ais
mèsè’ -- one; single
mètak -- bruise; cf. next
mètan -- black
mètò’ -- dry
meu -- nameu, clear, jelas; meu’sin, bright (cf. sine); òè me’o, clear (water)
mez -- table [prob. /mei/ with -z offglide; cf. Leti mei]
mi -- ~mis, urine; also in: nakmi, to urinate; nafòmi, smell of urine
min -- namin, tasty, enak; kanamin, bad tasting; mafòmin, fragrant; namin òè, tasteless, flat, tawar; namin maès, salty; see also mene’; J. compares s.v. Rot. meni, Kup. mingis, Savu -mengi; cf. next
mina’ -- oil, minyak; min noah, coconut oil
mnatu’ -- gold
mnès -- raw rice, beras; M. anè mnès
mò -- namò, J. hold s.t. in the lips/mouth, s.v. Rot. ka-mó, Savu këmu
1. mòè’ -- to make; M. moè ~mo’è, make, do
2. mòè’ -- umòè’, to deny, sangkal; perh. M. moel, lying, untruthful?
mòèsak -- to fade, luntur [morph.complex?]
mòfa’ -- grey-haired, uban; M. mòfa, grey
mofu -- M. to fall’
mòlò’ -- yellow
molus -- M. buy; s.t. bought, gekochte
mòn -- stupid, bodoh; M. monò
monas -- naked; J. mones s.v. Rot. maka-hola-k
mònè -- husband; male; cf. muèn fi’u, son-in-law
mònè’ -- in: ès mònè’, outside; M. bi mone
muin -- be born, lahir; to live, hidup
1. mui’ -- to have; M. mu’i
2. mui’ -- ma’mui’, poor, miskin; difficult; kanamu’if, easy (according to M. p.432, ult.same as mu’i ‘have, own’)
muis -- to suck, menyusu; see also musi
mu’it -- animal; mui’fuiz, wild animal (according to M., ult. same as mu’i ‘have, own’)
1. munif -- young
2. munif -- J. rudder, s.v. Rot. uli, Kup. ulin
mu’un -- swollen; M. mu’an
1. musi -- J. to suck, s.v. Rot. na-sa-musi, Savu hemuhi
2. musi -- J. pit, fruit-stone/seed (“said to be Amar.”), s.v. Rot. boa-muse, gland, Savu lamuhi, pit, seed
musu -- enemy, musuh [likely < the BI/Ml.]
muti’ -- white
na -- to burn, tunu
1. na’ -- blood [perh. for nak ‘my...’?]
2. na’ -- mna’, old, of things; J cites s.v. Rot. pa-lá(k) (dial. -r-), Kup. blan
naba -- nab-naba, M. spider; see also nafa
naè -- that, itu; M. nane, nai
na’è -- termite, anai2
naèk -- big; na’naèk, to grow; u’naèb, to increase, besarkan; J. id., ~nael s.v. Rot. mo-nae, Savu ae, mone
naèn -- to run, berlari
naès -- namnaès, old; see also nasi’
naf -- ma’naf, light (weight), ringan; cheap, murah; M. manaf, makaf
nafa -- nafnafa, M. spider
nafo -- ~knafo, M.(“dial.”) mouse
nafu- -- nafun, feather, bulu; aok nafun (my?) body-hair; nakak nafun, head hair; matak nafun, eyebrow
nah -- umnah, hungry; M. mnahas, hunger
nahe’ -- ~nahek, J. a mat, s.v. Rot. ne’ak, Kup. knèhe
nai -- M. prince; cf. Intan, naijuf, the nobility [nai+uf ?]
na’i -- pot, pan; nai òèl, waterjar, kendi; M. naí ~ana’i
nain -- (nai-?) M. earth; Intan nainunus, earthquake; see also nizan
naiso -- M. to hit; [for na-iso?]; cf. nèso, bèso etc.
nait -- nasnait, J. lean on/against, s.v. Rot. na-sa-lai; cf. sònlait
naka- -- nakak (my) head, skull; nakaf, head-man, chieftain, kepala suku; prob. in noelanakan, downstream; cf. Rot. langa, head
nake -- J. k.o. stocks, pillory, s.v. Rot. lange
naki -- J. to bind laths together, s.v. Rot. la’i
nama -- aknama, J. crawl, creep, s.v. Rot. nama
namat -- knamat, J. k.o. grasshopper, s.v. Rot. lamak, Kup. klamat
nami -- [for na-mi?] M. (he) looks for; perh. cf. mè ?
namo -- J. harbor; coast, shore, s.v. Rot. namo
nanan -- (nana- ?) interior, inside; in: èsnanan, inside; nimak nanan, palm of the hand
nanat -- once, ever pernah
nani -- ~nanif, J. comb of a rooster, s.v. Rot. lali-k (dial. -r-), Savu lari, Tet. lalarit; Bug. lali’
nansa’ -- why, mengapa [morph.complex?]; nansa’an, to cause, menyebabkan
nanum -- M. a Ficus sp.
naò -- go, walk; M. nau
na’o -- namna’o (~ -nako), to steal
nap -- manap, fast; cf. laba
napan -- butterfly
nape -- ui nape, J. to wave, beckon, s.v. Rot. nggapek, Sav. gape
nasa- -- nasan, M. (his) scrotum
nasi -- woods, forest, wilderness
nasi’ -- mnasi’, J. old, s.v. Rot. k-lasi; see also naès
nata’ -- ~naten, J. grave, s.v. Rot. late-s
natai -- ~nata’i [for na-ta’i ?], M. to tremble
nati -- M. may... (optative?)
natu -- namnatu, namnaut, ripe; M. natu, eggyolk [perh. cf. mnatu’, gold?]; cf. next
1. natun -- in: ika’ in natun, J. fish-roe, s.v. Rot. manu-natuk, embryonic egg in a chicken
2. natun -- hundred-- natun mèsè, 100, natun nu, 200
1. nau -- M. hearth; J. nao, hearth, the 3 hearthstones, s.v. Rot. la’o
2. nau -- M. scrape, rub with the fingers; perh. = J. nau, scoop with the hand, s.v. Rot. la’u, Kup.daku, Savu ’da’u
naub -- umnaub, remember; pity, console
naun -- namnaun, high, long, deep. M. also, mnanu
naus -- stinging nettle, jelatang; J. ‘cactus’ s.v. Rot. la’us, Kup klaus
1. ne -- six
2. ne -- umne, to dream; M. namnai; see also nehi
nebèt -- unebèt, to lower
ne’et -- nakne’et, J. sour, astringent, s.v. Rot. maka-le’e (dial. r-)
1. nefo -- lake; M. nifu
2. nefo -- M. to touch; also ~leo(f), Amar. refo
neh -- J. fathom, s.v. Rot. le’a, Kup. dea
nehi -- M. to dream
nek -- manek, cold; M. nik
nèk -- to kiss; M. also, to love
nèka- -- nèkak, (my) soul, semangat; perh. in: ufnèkan, to hope; M. nèka, Ro’i dial. neram
nèkè -- kapok
1. neku -- namneku, M. (has) disappeared; Intan, namneuk, to disappear
2. neku -- J. eat like an animal; gnaw, s.v. Rot. hengu
nem -- to come
nèn -- to hear
1. nène -- J. to press, s.v. Rot. nè’e
2. nène -- ~nènel, J. sesame, s.v. Rot. lena
nènès -- tree sp., Erythrina, dadap; M. nenas
1. nenò -- in: kènenò, lightning [poss.compd., cf. next]
2. nenò -- ~nènò, day; sky; nènò’i, today; nèònmabè’, afternoon; M comments p.378, "è/e vary in this word"
nèò -- manèò, true; straight; M. neo, true
nèòp -- unèòp, to think
nes -- more; M. nesi
nès -- namnès, flat; quiet, lonely, sunyi; peaceful, calm; cf. nèsat
“n’ès”[sic] -- day after tomorrow, besok lusa [the cluster n’- seems anomalous, perh. something has been omitted or misunderstood. Poss. contraction/fast speech? < nenò ès]
1. nèsat -- amnèsat, flat land, plains; desert
2. nèsat -- split bamboo
nesi -- M. stand at the edge of; appear
nèso -- M. to hit, ~naiso etc.
nesu -- door
netèb -- bridge
nètèn -- M. mountain
ne’u -- right (hand)
neuk -- umneuk, (financial) loss, rugi; perh. same as neku, disappear (?)
ni -- (ni’ ?) pole, in: ni’umè, house-pilings; ni’enaf, mast
1. nia -- askew, miring; cf. nin
2. nia -- in: nafnia, J. to offer, s.v. Rot. ponia
niah -- maniah, thin, tipis; M. id., ~manihis, mainihas
nièk -- to turn around, balik
nifun -- thousand, in: ...mèsè’ 1000, 2000, ...bò’ès 10,000
nikid -- wall, dinding
nim -- five
nima- -- nimak (my) arm, hand
nin -- in: matnin, leer, ogle, jeling; perh. cf. 1.nia
1. ninèn -- edge
2. ninèn -- wing; prob. in bèlò’ ninèn, outrigger
1. ninò -- glass, kaca-- perh.both this and next ult.< *li(n,ng)aw?
2. ninò -- in: nekak ninò, M. pure of heart
nipu -- fog, mist
nis -- very, sangat; M p.473, also as an intensifier of verbal action, as anbius nis... ‘he struck dead...’
nisa -- ~nise M. a tree sp., same as nitas
nisi- -- nisik (my) tooth
nisum -- M. a palm sp.
1. nitas -- mnitas, M. vision (ability to see)
2. nitas -- ~nites, nisa, M. a tree, Ml. kelumpang, Sterculia foetida
niti -- bracelet
nitu -- corpse
niu -- uniu, to bathe, mandi
1. niun -- maniun, sour
2. niun -- (for niu-n?) J. backstrap of a loom, s.v. Rot. li’u-dea, Kup. slikung
nizan -- land, tanah; floor (presumed glide-z); perh. cf. nain
noa -- ~noas, M. clothes
nòa’ -- loose, slack; M. no’al; cf. also nofal
nòah -- coconut
nobah -- enough; M. noba, ~noka, nola
nòe -- J. to melt, s.v. Rot. id.
nòè -- capable, cakap
nòèk -- to sharpen
noel -- river
noen -- in: noen fatu, silver
no’en -- M. to call
nòès -- to wipe
nofal -- M. to loosen (clothing)
noi -- J. almost, on the point of..., s.v. Rot. no’i
noka -- M. enough
nòka’ -- morning; M. noka
noko’ -- thin, skinny, kurus
nola -- M. enough
nolok -- M. canal, ditch
nòn -- usnòn, carry (on the hip), menggendong
nòne -- J. to lead, s.v. Rot. nòle, carry in hand, or nuni, lead, pull
noni -- na-noni, J. to teach, s.v. Rot. na-noli, Tet. hanorin
nònò’ -- a stream, brook
nòno -- J. a liana, s.v. Rot. lòlo, Kup. id.
1. nonu -- J. strip off with the hand, s.v. Rot. kolu; cf. honu, perh. next
2. nonu -- M. to separate
nò’ò -- hau nò’ò, leaf; kananof, bare, leafless
nòpè -- cloud
nopu -- M. hole; cf. kopu, opu
nòse -- J. rub, wipe, s.v. Rot. lòse ~ròse, Tet. rose, Savu roho; cf. nòès
no’u -- namno’u, M. complete
1. nu -- two; nua’, second; M. nua, two
2. nu -- J. of birds, to brood, s.v. Rot. lu’u, Savu roku
3. nu -- ~nuf, J. tears, s.v. Rot. lu-òe
1. nua -- nanua, to boil
2. nua -- manua, wide; M. mainuan
nuaf -- ~nu’af, nu’uf, M. mountain
1. nuan -- ~nuun, M. to tell, relate
2. nuan -- tainuan, J. half-full, s.v. Rot. hailua (~ -r-), Kup. tailuang
nuat -- J. cave, grotto, s.v. Rot. dial. luak, luat
nu’è -- wound, wounded
nuena’ -- unuena’, to teach; study; cf. noni
1. nui -- J. take off, remove, s.v. Rot. lui
2. nui -- nasnui, J. to sear, s.v. Rot. nuli (~ -r-)
nu’i- -- nu’if, bone
nuin -- to slash, sayat
nukat -- M. lack
nuni -- taboo
nunu -- M. to roll up; cf. next
nunu’ -- kainunu’, pillow
nunuh -- Ficus sp., banyan
nunus -- in: nainunus, earthquake
nuruf -- J. (Amar.) lip(s), s.v. Rot. dial. nudu’; cf. luluf
nus -- M. blue
nuta’ -- J. burning brand, s.v. Rot. (ha’i) lutek
nutu’ -- mnutu’, fine, halus; J. also s.v. Rot. lutu
nutus -- J. rust, s.v. Rot. lutu
nu’uf -- mountain; cf. nu’af (M.)
nu’un -- nanu’un, to inherit
ò’af -- stable, corral, tempat kerbau/kuda; M. o’of
òèf -- fluid, liquid; nue’òèf, pus; hau’òèf, sap, resin; sis òèf, sauce, gravy; one òèf, honey; cf. òèl
oèf -- M. tail feather
òèl -- water; òe fat, J. west monsoon; M p.397 notes: òè on S. coast, òèl elsewhere
1. ò’èn -- to call; cf. next?
2. ò’èn -- J. to seek, ask, s.v. Rot. n-òke, Kup. -òken
òèt -- in: òèt mat, hoe, cangkul
òk -- ~nòk, (be) with; M. also òka; M notes-- takes the personal prefixes
òkam -- cucumber, ketimun
òkè’ -- ~òkèòkè’, all, semua
òkèn -- already, sudah; all gone, finished, habis
òl -- to swallow; òlò’san, choke, gag, salah telan; J. gives òlo, Amar. òro, s.v. Rot. òlo, òro, dial. òdo
òn -- to (prep.), ke-; ònmè, how?; M. onmè
one -- bee; M. id. ~oni
òpan -- to spill, pour, tumpah
opi -- J. (Amar.) knife, s.v. Rot. dope
opu -- M. hole; cf. kopu, nopu
opu’ -- J. female, of animals, s.v. Rot. upuk, id. of very young animals
ot -- to burn, membakar
paè’ -- u’paè’, to cut off, kerat; M. na-faè, to chop
1. paèk -- to use, to wear, pakai; perh. cf. next
2. paèk -- to decorate; cf. pakai below
3. paèk -- napaèk, stingy
paet -- to clear land
pafa -- J. to herd, watch over animals, s.v. Rot. papa; cf. faf, bab
pah -- J. split, cut through, s.v. Rot. fa’a, Savu ’baka
pah -- island; M. paha ~pahè id., land; in paha’nakan, north; paha’haen, south
paha’ -- chisel, pahat [likely < the BI/Ml.]
1. pai -- ~pa’i, M. rotten, musty, rancid; J. pai id., s.v. Rot. sa-pai, Savu ’bai, Bima mbai
2. pai -- ~pa’i, M. a grass sp.
pa’i -- J. a beetle, klappertor, s.v. Rot. id., Savu mo-kebaki
pakai -- to carve, ukir
paku -- lamp, torch; damar-resin
pal -- na’pal, short; low; shallow; M. pala
pali -- ray (fish) [likely < BI/Ml.]; cf. haif
palsai -- to believe, trust [< BI/Ml. percaya]
palsuma -- in vain [< BI/Ml. percuma]
palu’ -- greedy
pana- -- panak (my) nose
panas -- M. rainbow
panbutasi -- oyster; snail; according to M., pan-bu ‘round nose’ + tasi ‘sea’
pania -- M. “bitter melon”, Ml. paria, Momordica charantia; pania is said to be Molo dial., pnia Amarasi, bania Amanuban; cf. Rot. paliak
papa -- M. wound
pas -- J. to hit, box the ears, s.v. Rot. dial. mbasa ~mbasa’
pasan -- to bet, wager
pasu -- M. skin, huid
1. pau -- upau, to stab
2. pau -- M. to await
pè -- J. split, chop, hew, s.v. Rot. bia; cf. 2.pèa’
1. pèa’ -- to rise (sun), come into view, terbit
2. pèa’ -- na’pèa’, to break; cf. next
pe’at -- u’pe’at, to cut open, cut into
pela -- ~bela, M. set/lay down (Amar. bèra); J. pela s.v. Roti peda
pen -- upen, to get, obtain; M. na-pen, na-peni
1. pèn -- upèn, to see; to look at
2. pèn -- natpèn, to fly
pèna’ -- maize; J. pela, s.v. Roti pelak
pènèn -- thatch; in: umè pènèn, roof-peak
pèni -- M. layer, base (dial. feli); J. peni’, native-style saddle, s.v. Roti peni(k); Tet. beni-ain, shoe
penu -- J. bend, bent, s.v. Rot. fenu; Intan: peon, bent; curving, winding
pes -- filter, sieve
pesek -- J. to throw, s.v. Rot. pesi, Savu pëhi
pesèn -- wave, ombak, gelombang
1. pèt -- napèt, break open, burst; cf. pèa’ et al. above
2. pèt -- upèt, wet; cf. Rot. peta-k
pet -- anpet, M. sated
pete -- ~peti, M. to stretch
petu -- bamboo; perh. in: pet nò’òh, nipa-palm; see also piut
pe’u -- sleepy
peu -- rasp, scrape, grate; cf. eu, keu
1. pi -- J. to pull, s.v. Rot. na-la-pí, pull on; naka-pí, stretched tight
2. pi -- ~pif, J. Achilles tendon, s.v. Rot. ei-pipík
pika’ -- plate, pinggan ; cf. Rot. pingak
1. pin -- in: pin nis, excessively decorated, gaudy (nis ‘very’)
2. pin -- in: pinha’e, footwear of banana bark; see also peni
pina -- M. flame; also J. pin, to flame, burn, s.v. Rot. pila
pinu -- J. snot, s.v. Rot. pinu id.
piòb -- onion [off-glide -b?]; M. peo, kalapeo
piòk -- to tell, narrate; piò’lasi, compose, arrange
pis -- upis, M. to stop, do no more
pius -- upius, to rip, tear; natpius, torn; J. pisu id., s.v. Rot.......?, Kup. pisu, Savu hiu
1. piut -- in: piut tòlò’, bamboo shoot; cf. petu
2. piut -- M. unbroken
plelo -- M. a Ficus sp., F. septica; ~plèlo, Amar. pnèro
pò -- J. to herd, drive along, s.v. Rot. fò, Kup. poa
pò’ -- napò’, M. to explode, roar
pòa’ -- upòa’, to hunt; M. an-poèn, hunt for
pò’a- -- pò’ak (my) skin; (mu’it in) pò’an, (animal’s) hide; prob. in: ika’pò’at, fish scales; cf. pua’
pò’an -- garden
poef -- to spray, rinse, siram; J. pofi, to pour, s.v. Rot. fui, Sav. buwi
pòèl -- to handle, menjamah
1. pòès -- to split, membelah
2. pòès -- shrimp, udang; pòètasi, crab; J. poè hei, a crab sp., s.v. Rot. poè hek, Kup. èng
poho -- M. hold in the hand
poi -- ~poibon, poibun, M. to tell a lie; see puebòk
pòk -- fat, gemuk; J. pok ~apokat id., s.v. Rot. po-poka-k, swollen
pola -- M. split
poli -- J. to throw (Amar. pori), s.v. Rot. poli, pour out [?]; see puel
poni -- ~boni, M. to hang; see bone’
posi -- natposi, J. release; escape, s.v. Rot. po’i, Tet. hahusik [?]
po’uk -- M. blanket, large sarong, selimut
pu’ -- M. to blow; see also pupu
pua’ -- to skin, flay; cf. pò’a ?
pue -- appear, arise, timbul; go out, keluar; M. na-poitan, bring into view (?)
puebòk -- to tell a lie; cf. M. poi ~poibon, poibun supra
puel -- ~puil, to throw; see poli
puen -- upuen, to reduce, make less, mengurangi
pui -- M. partridge
“pukënès”[sic] -- some, several [for puknès? as the written schwa is surely transitional]; cf. M. puku-ès, a herd of...
pune -- J. to wind up, s.v. Rot. fule, mbule, coil around
punèn -- ear (of grain), bulir; M. pune; cf. Rot. pulek, ear of corn
punjamu -- J. mouldy, dirty, s.v. Rot. ngga-ngganu, Jav. jamur
punuf -- M. coconut fibre
punut -- apunut, rotten, busuk; M. punu
pupu -- ~pup, J. use a blowgun, s.v. Rot. fupu; cf. pu’
puse -- pusel, J. to sweat, s.v. Rot. puse, Savu ke’bahu
pusu -- ~pusuk (my) thigh
put -- maput, hot, panas; nafò put, burnt smell, hangus; cf. putun
puta’ -- sago palm; sago
putal -- to turn, rotate, putar [likely < BI/Ml.]
putun -- uputun, to heat, memanaskan; J. putu, s.v. Rot. putu, scorched; see put
pu’u -- J. mushroom, s.v. Rot. puku
sa -- M. what; Intan: sa’an, what, apa; thing, anu
sabalu -- shirt, blouse, baju
1. saè -- to climb, go up; saè’nu’uf, climb a mountain; usaèb, to raise, menaikkan
2. saè -- usaè, carry on the shoulder, memikul
saha- -- (sahan, sahak) M. thigh-bone
sahan -- ~sahak, J. whetstone, s.v. Rot. sak
sai -- to flow
sain -- M. a sp. of millet
saiz -- to touch, sentuh [off-glide -z? base sai ?]
saka -- in: saka tenu, M. use an umbrella
sakau -- who?; M. sekau
sakò -- M. flooding (of a river); full
sakpin -- to slip, slide [a compd.? components somewhat unclear]
sala -- ~sal, M. to peel; J. sal ~sar, s.v. Rot. (sa)sada, Savu ha’da
salat -- ~sal, J. a net, s.v. Rot. dala, Kup sala, (< Ml. jala?)
sama -- ~sam, M. to rub, massage
san -- false, wrong, salah
sana -- M. bunch (of bananas)
sanut -- usanut, to lower; ai sanut, sloping; cf. saòn
sao -- in nsao, kaun-sao, J. a poisonous snake, s.v. Rot. kaisao
saòn -- to descend, turun; M. nam-sau; cf. sanut
saòp -- to sweep, sapu [likely < BI/Ml.]
sapi -- J. to remove bark with a machete, s.v. Rot. id., Tet. sabir
sapus -- M. Savunese
1. sasi -- M. to overflow
2. sasi -- M. a bird sp.
1. sau -- to bite, bite into
2. sau -- matsau, M. to marry
3. sau -- a basket
sbake -- J. branch; [perh. wrongly extrapolated < nasbake, having branches?], s.v. Rot. ba’e, dial. bake’
“sëbuik”[sic] -- ant, semut [prob. for sbuik]
sbu -- ~sfu, M. use a blowgun; sbut ~sfut, blowgun
sèba’ -- to rent, sewa [ surely < the BI/Ml.]
sefi -- J. to untie, s.v. Rot. se’i, Savu dial. sefi
se’i -- J. to roast, s.v. Rot. id., Savu hëngi; M. anse’, to smoke food; Intan: se’, to roast; to smoke food
sèk -- usèk, to cook; fry; bake [cf. Rot. se-sena, Kup n-engan, Let. sekra]
sèkal -- to change, substitute, mengganti; sèk balè, move, pindah; sèk balèn, move, pindahkan
sèke -- na-sèke, J. to force, insist, s.v. Rot. ka-se’e, caught, stuck [?]
sekau -- M. who? cf. sakau
seki -- M. to pick, pluck, break off; J. cites s.v. Rot. sengi
sekit -- in: lal sekit, crossroads
sèko -- J. to hunt with dogs, s.v. Rot. sèko, fish with a net; cf. sèòk
sèlò’ -- to mix, stir; J. id., (Amar. sero), s.v. Rot. sèdo-k, Tet. sorok
1. sèn -- umsèn, sated, kenyang
2. sèn -- to plant, menanam; sèntin, plant(s), tanam2an
1. senu -- ~seun, M. substitute, exchange
2. senu -- to meet, pick up,berjemput [cf. Rot. selu ~seru, Tet. ha-soru]
3. senu -- in weaving, the woof, pakan; J. cites as ‘weaver’s batten’ s.v. Rot. selu, Kup.silu, Savu keha’du
sè’o -- J. to whisper, pray, s.v. Rot. se-sèo
sèòk -- to hunt, berburu; cf. sèko
sèpo -- nasèpo, J. to go elsewhere to trade, s.v. Rot. sèpo, Bug. sempo ‘cheap’ [?]
sès -- J. to stuff, press into, s.v. Rot. sèse, perh. < Ml. sesak
sètè’ -- nasètè’, hoarse, parau
setul -- to push
seu -- M. to pluck
se’ul -- to hiccough, sob; M. id.
sfu -- ~sbu, M. use a blowgun
si -- to sing, nyanyi; M. sit, song
sibliu -- spark(s) [compd. of unclear elements?]
siel -- J. cites as equiv. s.v. Rot. sikak, loom part-- a pc. of bamboo that keeps the warp threads separate and taut
sifi -- J. a k.o. weaving, s.v. Rot. id.; cf. next
sifin -- ~sefin, M. to insert
sikaloti -- (Amar. sikaroti) J. to jump about, caper, s.v. Rot. sikaloti ~sikiloti [app.compd.]
sikanolo -- M. to drift [app. compd.; cf. Rot. dolo ?]
sikum -- J. a medicinal root, Ml. kencur, s.v. Rot. sokus, Kup. sukung
simo -- ~siom, J. to receive, s.v. Rot. sipo, Kup. simu, [Tet. simu]; Intan, siòm, receive
1. sin -- they, 3rd pl. pron.; their
2. sin -- in: sinmak, to want, to wish [stress indicated on -mak]
sine -- M. light
sipi -- J. to miss (a target), graze, s.v. Rot. (and Ml.) id.
sisi -- meat, flesh; sis òèf, sauce, gravy
1. siu -- nine; M. id. ~seo
2. siu -- ~si’u, na-, M. to jeer, taunt
si’u- -- si’uk (my) elbow; prob. in: M. umè si’un, eaves of the house
skaf -- carpenter’s plane [< Du. schaaf]
“sëkan”[sic] -- thing, anu [prob. for skan]; see sa’an
skiki -- brush, sikat; cf. kiki
smanak -- [for smana-k?] soul
snaèn -- sand; J id., s.v. Rot. solokaek, Kup slaen, Savu (la)halae, Bima sarae
snamu -- J. fringe, s.v. Rot. oka-samuk, fine roots [?]
snas -- to breath; snaskeut, gasp, wheeze; snaseup, hold the breath
snuna’ -- umbrella
sò -- to sew
sò’e -- J. scoop up (of solid things), s.v. Rot. id., Kup. soke
sòel -- J. disastrous, s.v. Rot. sòe
1. soi -- J. natsoi, to open, s.v. Rot. soi
2. soi -- J. ransom, redeem, s.v. Rot. id.
sòkò -- spoon; M. soko; see also sòno
solat -- ~solot, M. pick up with the hand
solè -- M. to wean, to separate (Amar. sorè)
solo -- J. a net, schepnet (Amar. soro), s.v. Rot. sòlo
solok -- to sway, be unsteady, goyang
sòn -- nasòn, M. of rain, to stop
1. sòna’ -- interval; perh. = J. sona, interval, opportunity, s.v. Rot. soda, opportunity, have time for; sodak, interval of time; cf. next?
2. sòna’ -- usòna’, nasòna’, to permit, allow, ijinkan
sònbiko -- a small bird sp., pipit; M. id. ~sonkiko, a bird
sònlait -- lean on/against; cf. also nait
sono’ -- to send, kirim
sòno -- M. (Amar.) spoon; J. id., s.v. Rot. sulu, spoon; sòlo, to scoop
sopu -- M. to end
sòs -- to buy; cf. next?
sòsa’ -- usòsa’, to sell
sotè -- ~so’è, M. to scoop/bail water
1. su -- to carry on the head
2. su -- J. to dig, s.v. Rot. id., Kup. sulu; prob. M. an-sub, to bury; cf. sub ?
suaf -- M. rafter
suak -- J. digging stick s.v. Rot. id.
su’at -- ~su’ut, M. to measure
sub -- to dive, selam; perh. here cf. M. an-sub, bury?
subat -- asubat, to accuse
sue -- to count
suel -- nasuel, sprain, keseleo, salah urat
suet -- to embroider
sufa -- ~sufan, M. flower
sui -- naksui, M. to fart
su’i- -- su’ik (my) cheek; chin
sukat -- M. curse
1. suki -- M. lay s.t. as a base; cf. next?
2. suki -- wedge
sum -- J. to steam, s.v. Rot. suma
sunaf -- horn, tanduk [cf. Rot. su-sulak]
sune -- mantrap, sharpened bamboo stakes
suni -- M. sword
sunu -- M. (Amanuban dial.) spoon; see soko, sòno
susal -- to suffer; sad; cf. J. sus, difficulty, s.v. Rot. susa [Tet. susar]
susu- -- susuk (my) breast; usus, to suckle¸ menyusui
sutaè -- to bear, endure, tahan [compd.?]
suti -- M. a marine mollusc
1. taè -- utaè, to answer, jawab; M. id., ~na-tah; J. gives both s.v. Rot. na-tá, Kup. take, Tet. ha-ta(n)
2. taè -- M. belly; cf. tei
tae’ -- to read, membaca
taèf -- ~toèf, M. branch
ta’èn -- to promise, menjanji
1. taèn -- in: taèn bese, chain, rantai; cf. tani
2. taèn -- ma’taèn, strong; hard; expensive; nafun ma’taèn, invulnerable; M. matani
tai -- to weigh
taif -- dregs, ampas
tainusat -- blanket, selimut
taiz -- a woman’s sarong
taka -- J. sign, mark, s.v. Rot. tana ~tanda, cf. Ml. tanda
tal -- to forbid, larang; M. talas, prohibition
talan -- M. to, up to, tot
talu’ -- to knead, ramas
tam -- to enter
1. tan -- natan, to ask
2. tan -- na-tan, J. to cover, s.v. Rot. tana, Savu katanga
tana -- in: tantana, J. chisel, s.v. Rot. tala
tani -- ~tani naèk, rope; tani ana’, string, taèn bese, chain
tanu -- fish-hook
1. tao -- J. make, work, s.v. Rot. id., Kup. Savu id.; cf. next?
2. tao -- to put, place, taruh
ta’o -- large scoop, ladle
tap -- J. to patch, lappen (Ml/BI tampal?, s.v. Rot. tapa, to glue; cf. next?
tapa -- M. to tie
tapaf -- sheath [app.for tapa-f]; M. suni tapan, sheath of a sword
tasa’ -- mtasa’, red, merah
tasi -- sea; also in: tasi ana’, bay, teluk; tasi ninèn, shore, beach; prob. in panbutasi, oyster, poè tasi crab; segmentation of the -k- is unclear in: tasikana’, cape, tip, tanjung; tasiknana’, strait(s), perh.misheard for tasi tnana’ if compd. ‘sea+middle/waist’(?)
tasu -- J. skillet, s.v. Rot. id., Mol.Ml. tacu
tata- -- in: au tata’ (my?) older brother [for au tatak?]
tau -- umtau, afraid; nèkamtau, nervous
tau’ -- in: tau’ ten, to add, tambah [unclear compd.]
ta’u -- aèn ta’u, rice-straw, jerami
taum -- M. indigo
tè -- to arrive, sampai; cf. tia
tè’al -- crippled, lame
teb -- J. break off (with the fingers), s.v. Rot. tei, dial. tebi
tèbe -- J. truly, s.v. Rot. tè’e-tè’e, Kup. Tet. tebes
te’e -- in: anite’e, moss [compd.?]
tef -- (uncertain) if in: kantef, less, kurang; see kah
tefen -- thatch; M. tefi(n), tnèfè, atap
tefu -- sugarcane
tei- -- teik (my) stomach; teif, guts, isi perut [Intan writes "tey..." in both]; perh. M. taè, belly
teis -- excrement, tahi [written "teys"]
teko’ -- manu teko’, egg; see also teno’
tele -- katele, scissors, gunting [cf. Rot. kateli, Tet. kateri]
teli -- M. step
1. tèm -- natèm ~natèmel, J. whole, s.v. Rot. tema-k
2. tèm -- natèm, J. accustomed, s.v. Rot. tèma
3. tèm -- in: nèka’tèm, confused
“tëmuku”[sic] -- village head, kepala kampong [for tmuku or temuku ?]
tènè’ -- na’tènè’, of sediment, to settle
tenu -- M. in: saka tenu, use an umbrella
1. tenu’ -- loom; see teun
2. tenu’ -- third, ketiga; see teon
tè’ò -- na’tè’ò, slow
tèòb -- to hit; M. tèpo
teon -- three
tes -- J. of sun, moon, to go down, s.v. Rot. tesa
tèa -- ~tèas, J. heartwood; hard, s.v. Rot. tea-k, tea-s
tèsan -- stick, staff
tèta -- M. other, different, otherwise, anders
1. tetu -- mantetu, J. upright, s.v. Rot. tetu-tetu; cf. next?
2. tetu -- ~tet, nam-, M. reach to top/highest point; cf. next?
3. tetu -- ceiling
tia -- antia, M. to arrive, reach; cf. tè (?)
ti’as -- anti’as, M. doubt
tibak -- J. bamboo tube, s.v. Rot. dial. id.
tif -- in: tifkaiz, fishing net, jala; M. tifkai ~kifkai
tik -- utik, to kick; cf. next
tikaf -- [for tika-f ?] J. heel, s.v. Rot. tinga-k
tilo -- J. to aim (Amar. tiro), s.v. Rot. tino
timif -- [for timi-f ?] J. jaw, s.v. Rot. timi-k, Tet. timir
tin -- in: sèntin, plant(s); see sèn
tina -- J. female organs, s.v. Rot. tila-k, Mak. telang [?]
1. tipu -- in: bikase tipu, M. colt
2. tipu -- natipu, M. broken
titbòk -- to depart, berangkat, bertolak [compd.]
titè -- M. push away (Amar. titar)
titu -- ~tiut, M. to watch over
tli’af -- in: niman tli’af, M. el, cubit
tnana’ -- half, middle, tengah; tnanak (my) waist; paha tnana’, inland, interior; perh.misheard in “faidnanan”, late at night, tengah malam; and “tasiknana’” strait(s); J. gives tnana, s.v. Rot. talada, Kup. tlala
tnèfè -- M. thatch; see tefen
tnopa -- M. lead (the metal)
tò’a- -- (tò’ak, tò’an) neck
tò’a -- utò’a, angry; M. to’as, anger
tòbè’ -- mitòbè’, to steam; J. na-tobe, s.v. Rot. tobi-k, burn, scald; cf. tòèb ?
tòe -- J. to wander, s.v. Rot. tofa [?]
tòè- -- in: haubtòèf, haubtòèn, branch of a tree
tòèb -- to cover, tutupi; M. tòbèn, lid
toèn -- antoèn, M. in a line/row; perh. also: M. ma-toèn, take turns speaking, beurtspraak
tof -- J. to weed, s.v. Rot. tofa, Kup. topa
toi -- J. to bore, chisel out, s.v. Rot. to’i, Kup. tuki; M. an-to’i, to hollow out
to’is -- J. triton-shell, trumpet, s.v. Rot. to’ik
tòk -- to sit; tòkò’, chair; tòkò-k (my) buttocks
tol -- J. boundary, border (Amar. tor), s.v. Rot. tò, Kup. ton, "perh. < Du. tol"
tolas -- M. gathering, assembly
tòlò’ -- in: piut tòlò’, bamboo shoot
tòn -- year; M. ton
tònan -- u’tònan, to inform, beri tahu; M. na-ton
tònò’ -- deaf
tòp -- antòp, M. pay respects/homage, a sort of sembah
topu -- M. to lead
totan -- ~toton, M. to obey
toti -- M. to ask; see tuet
tu- -- tuk (my) knee; also in M. liba-tu, lika-tu, li’-tu, leo-tu, all ‘to kneel’
tua -- utua, to stay, dwell, tinggal; cf. 1.tun ?
tua’ -- palm-wine, tuak
tuet -- to ask; M. toti ~toit; Intan, also glosses ‘to borrow’
tufal. -- kill (e.g. lice) by squashing; cf. tufu ?
tufè -- a fish-poison, tuba
tufu- -- tufuk (my) fist; mattuf, to fight; M. tuf, tufu, hit with the fist [Cf. Rot. tufa id.]
tui -- to write; J ‘make stripes’, s.v. Rot. dui-dui, duik, Tet. tui
tuin -- J. to follow, s.v. Rot. tui, Kup. tuing, Tet. tuir
tuis -- to pour
tukal -- mantukal, to exchange, tukar [likely < BI/Ml.]
tukè -- a bamboo cup; M. atukè; J. tukè’ s.v. Rot. tukek, bamboo tube for storage; cf. next?
tuki -- a funnel
tulu -- jet, spout, pancuran; M. id. ~tunu; J. ‘overflow’, s.v. Rot. (tu)tulu (-turu)
tulun -- to help [likely < BI/Ml.]
tume -- louse
1. tun -- tun-on, J. to sit, s.v. Rot. tu-túk; cf. tòk ?
2. tun -- ustun, nastun, to trip, stumble [Rot. katunu, Savu kedune]
1. tuna’ -- in: nòa tuna’, heart-of-palm
2. tuna’ -- in: tuna’ naèk, dropsy, swollen stomach
tunaf -- stove [perh.compd. with tunu q.v.?]
1. tune -- ~tunel, J. an eel, s.v. Rot. tuna ~tune
2. tune -- ~tunel, J. the gebang-palm, s.v. Rot. tula, tule
tuni -- J. press down on, s.v. Rot. id.
tunis -- J. a bean sp., s.v. Rot. tulis ~turis
tunu -- J. to bake, s.v. Rot. id.; Intan, tun, burn
tup -- to sleep
tupu’ -- u’tupu’, to pile up; J. na-tupu s.v. Rot. tupu
tusa’ -- to owe, berhutang
tusi -- M. to rub
tusu- -- tusuk (my) fingernail
tut -- J. to tie, join, s.v. Rot. tuti
tutu -- M. to pound, hammer; Intan, in: bese tutu’, a hammer
u -- in: u-meke(l), J. a snake, s.v. Rot. mènge
ua’ -- [for ua-k?] J. vein, tendon, s.v. Rot. ua-k
uab -- u’uab, to speak
uan -- M. destiny, life
uas -- (Amar.) J. a tuber sp., s.v. Rot. Tet. id.
ubak -- to steal
uel -- rattan
uen -- in: min uen, sweet
uena’ -- u’uena’, to carry, angkut
uki -- banana
ulò -- sit with legs stretched out, belunjur
ukul -- to measure [likely < the BI/Ml.]
ulan -- rain; ul’ana’, drizzle (Amar. uran)
umak -- paumak nearby, close; to approach; paumakan, side by side, next to; pumakab, move s.t. closer, mendekatkan
ume -- house [note umè elsewhere, mis-written here?]
un -- in: haub’un, tree-trunk
1. unu -- not so long ago; ununu’, very long ago; J. ununu, previously, voorheen, s.v. Rot. uluk, ahead of, earlier
2. unu -- in: namaunuleu’, crazy; M. ma’unu, anxious
unud -- to slice; hack, chop [app.misheard, as there is no /d/ in the lang.]; cf. next
unut -- to chop fine, to mince
unus -- red pepper [cf. Rot. kulus ~kurus, Tet. kunus]
untun -- profit, untung [prob. < the BI/Ml.]
upan -- price
upu -- storm, tempest
upu’ -- cousin, sepupu
upun -- mango; M. up-heum, a wild mango sp.
usa- -- usak (my) navel [cf. Rot. usek]
usi’ -- grandfather; usif, king; M. Uis-Neno, the Lord, God
uta -- in: sauta, M. explain
ut -- M. chaff, bran; J id., s.v. Rot. u, uk, Kup.Tet. ut, Bal. o’ot
utaum -- to chew (food); M. utamu id., cites Rot. tamu-tamu, chew/eat noisily
uti -- J. penis, s.v. Rot. uti-k
utus -- nautus, whirlwind; nautus naèk, typhoon [stress indicated on na-]; cf. Rot. kutus, dial utus
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