The Text in Gwr, with interlinear glosses (not supplied in the relay version):
ayh nÿm guÿngl kwah duÿhl
one story real equal/same life
he:h mom pèng-ting-deh-m-m, peq-peqm-m jihl he:h!
INTJ 1sg comrade-PL, perk.up ear INTJ
hil "dayl bawh su:qm" llaqr bèwl layf chÿngf.
PERS.ART "give great law" narrate teach things (he) know
ayh shÿngf nÿm gam tayf shoh fiwm, eqm llangr dahl.
one long.ago male child REL horrible, and beautiful woman.
ol tayf sèwm dahl yehl dzihr
that child watch/observe woman she sing
dzi-dzihl-r eqm do-do:ngl-r jongl-r, tayf di-da:m-h qa:q-taym-h.
(she) R-sing and R-playful(ly) dance, child rejoice/have.pleasure "heart/soul".
tÿngm trih ol yem xweh ol dahl wa:qf !
but then that 3sg/masc. murder that woman INTJ
leng-lengm-m diwl, yem tre-treqm-m tsah, lahm tsah, shoqm yehl, nyangh duÿngl.....
R-sudden motion, 3/masc R-rip skin, skin, open.up 3/fem, eat innards....
eqm sa:ng-ul-l dzo-loyl-r dil yungr.
and throw.away-just dead-body LOC wasteland
el yah, kom ja-sol-l sÿqf grm kom?
well then, Q what-EMPH we do Q
sÿqh nawl dÿr chÿngf layf mom grm trih.
we not know things I do then.
eqm ol pu:ngm mom naqm layf chÿngf, nawl duhh mrl daw-deh kuÿ-def
and that reason, I conceal things know, not answer when 2PL question-PL
Smooth translation to English:
A certain true-to-life story
Hey! My comrades, prick up your ears! Hey!
The Lawgiver will tell of what he knows.
Once there was a vicious/nasty boy, and a beautiful woman.
The boy watched the woman while she was singing. She sang, and danced playfully, and it pleased the boy in his heart.
But then-- O my god!! --he murdered the woman! With a sudden motion, he ripped at her skin, he flayed her, laid her open and ate her innards, and just threw the corpse away in the wastelands.
Well now, whatever did we do, eh? We are not to know what I did then. Therefore I keep hidden what I know, and not answer your questions.
All digraphs (except Cw- and Cy-) are unit phonemes; /ll/ represents a retroflexed dental with lateral release [d`l], /j/ is [dZ], /ch/ is [tS]; final /q/ is pronounced [?]. Vowels: /è/ is anywhere between [E] and [æ]; /ò/ is [O]; /ÿ/ is barred-i [1]; /r/ is a retroflexed central vowel, like [3^] in rhotic English her.
The tones are: h = high, f = high-falling, m = mid, l = low, r = low-rising.
ayh one
bawh great, imposing, magnificent
bèwl to teach
chÿngf to know (things)
dÿr there is not; (naw) dÿ + VB 'not [supposed] to VB'
dahl woman
dawh pron. 2nd pers.sing.
dayl to give, bestow, endow
-de (suffix, takes tone of preceding word) plural marker
di-da: (mh) rejoice, have pleasure
dil (prep.) locative-- in, at, on etc.
diwl motion, movement
do:ngr to play, do-do:ng (l-r) (adverbial)
duÿhl existence, life
duÿngl guts, innards
duhh to answer, respond
dzihr to sing
dzol dead
e ya (lh) (part.) well now, well then
eqm (conj.) and
fiwm nasty, horrible, vicious; twisted, perverted
gam male
grm to do, act
guÿngl story
he: h interj. to call attention
hil personal article (here, what follows in "..." is a personal name/title/epithet)
jal (interrog) what?
jihl ear
jongr to dance
kom (part.) question marker (precedes, may follow)
kuÿf (n.) question
kwah same as, equivalent; ADJ kwa N 'as ADJ as N'
lahm to cut off, remove by cutting
layf (lit. 'things') pron., what, that which...
lengm quick, rapid
llangr beautiful
llaqr to tell (story), narrate
loyr the human body
mom 1st pers. sing pronoun
mrl (conj.) when, while
nÿm there is
naqm to hide
nawl not
ngwam real, genuine
nyangh to eat
ol (dem.) that
pèng-ting (hm) comrade, associate
peqm (vb) to perk up, prick up
pu:ngm reason, cause
qa:q-tay (mh) "heart, soul"
sÿqf pron. 1st
sa:ngl throw away
sèwm to watch, look at, observe
shÿngflong ago
shoh rel.pron, who, which, that
shoqm to open up
-so (emphatic part., takes preceding tone)
su:qm rule
tÿngm (conj.) but
tayf child
treqm to rip (redup, intensive)
trih (adv) then
tsah skin
-u (part., takes preceding tone) just, only
wa:qf (interj.) cry of pain, amazement
xweh to murder, kill violently
yem pron. 3rd pers.sing.masc.
yehl pron. 3rd pers. sing. fem.
yungr moor, wasteland