Their day is equiv. to 25.3 hrs (25 hrs 18 min=1518 mins.)
(C-day is 1.054166667 E-day, E-day is 0.9486166 C-day)

They divide the day into 20 hours, 1 C-hr = 75.9 min or 75'54"
(C-hr is 1.265 E-hr, E-hr is 0.7905138 C-hr)

Their hour is 50 mins, 1 C-min = 1.518 E-min. (91.08 sec)
There are, thus, 1000 C-min in a C-day.
Their minute is 100 sec, 1 C-sec = 0.9108 E-sec

There are 464 such days in their year?
464 x 25.3 = 11739.2 E-hrs / 24 = 489.13333 earth days

Ergo: C-yr = 489.13333 / 365.24 = 1.33921 E-yr (1.34 for rough calc.) and
E-yr = 0.7467085 C-yr (0.75 for rough calc.)

(There are 9280 C-hr in a C-yr. At this point we are assuming, probably incorrectly, that there are no leap-years.)....

REVISION, APR 2005: Oops, yes, it was incorrect. Although the year is nominally 9280 C-hrs, it is actually 9283hr 8min. (9283.16hrs or 464.158 days). Thus an extra day accumulates every 6.32911 C-yr, say 6-1/3 years, leading to 3 leap-years in every 19 yrs.--this 19-year period is called pembotán. 700 pv was a leap-year, then 706, 713, 719 (proceeding 6-7-6 in each pembotán). If this is correct, there is still an excess of 2 K-min. every 19 years which seems negligible for all intents-- it would require another leap-correction every 500x19 = 9500 years!! Leap-days are holidays, unnumbered/inserted after cinjurak in the month nearest to whichever solstice/equinox is most out of whack (called lekrandam "dance day"); if the New Year equinox is involved, then the leap-day is inserted before it (called lecele "wait day").

A new assumption: 2700-*2719 (=l6pv) was a pembotán; counting up by 19s, 700 pv also began a pembotán, likewise the periods 719-25-32, 738-44-51, 757-63-70 (this latter will be the 40th pembotán since 2700, the 100th since 1560 p.m.).

There are 16 months of 29 days each. Each month has
4 weeks of 7 days-- 1. lembrim, 2.uwam, 3. kayiñ, 4. vuruna, 5. imbar, 6. turat, 7. lalap--
with an unnumbered day, cinjurak ('mid-month'), occurring between lalap 14 and lembrim 15. Every month begins on lembrim 1; the year begins on the Spring Equinox, 1st of 1st month; Summer Solstice 1st of 5th; Autumnal Equinox 1st of 9th; and Winter Solstice 1st of 13th.

As of midnight, 2400hrs,1/22/2003, I am exactly 68-2/3 yrs old (68yrs 8 mos)(from 0000hrs 5/23/34)--

68*365 = 24820 + l7 leap-days = 24837
8mos. 5/23/02-1/22/03 = 245 for a total of 25082 E-days

1. it is the year 753 p.v. on Cindu
2. let 0000hrs 5/23/1934 coincide exactly C-yr 0100hr 1/1/702
(the Cindu day begins, like ours, at midnight, but they call it 0100-- as we go from 2359-2400-0001, they go 2049-0100-0101; our noon is 1200, theirs is 1100.)

25082 x 0.9486166 = 23793.2015612 C-day - 8 leap-days = 23785.2015612 or (/464) 51.26121026 C-yr = 51 yr 121. days or 4.1793642 mos. or 4 mos, 8.1793642 days, or 5 days, 4.031236 hrs = 4 hrs 1.56 mins

from 0000hrs 5/23/1934 to 2400hrs 1/22/2003 = 51 C-yr, 4 mos 5 days 4 hrs 1.56 mins. (say 2mins.)

at 2400hrs 1/22/2003 it was 0502 hrs 6th day (turat), 5th mo. (açundrím), 753 p.v.
(somewhere around sunrise, six days past the Summer Solstice, which took place on 1st day, 5th mo. ? tomorrow is lalap 7

At this writing, it is 5 PM (1700hrs), Jan. 23, 2003--   17 Ehr = 13.438735 C-hr or 13hr 21.94 C-min.

THEREFORE AT 5P.M. JAN. 23, 2003
it was 1824 hrs, 6 ç5 753 p.v. (and dark, about 2-1/2 hrs. before midnight)

(April 2005) I haven't updated this in a long time. Assuming I've done the math correctly, at 1630hrs, today April 23, 2005, it was--

aro 1519, lero uwam 9, a絬?54 p.v.

Thus, it is shortly before sunset, near the end of the year; in 20 C-days (21.083 E-days, shortly after 0000 13 May 2005) it will be the northern hemisphere's Spring Equinox, thus New Year's Day, and year 755 will begin.
We arrived at this as follows: since 0000hr 23 May 1934 - 0000 23 Apr 2005 there have been 25,902 E-days (70*365 + 17 leap-days + 335 days from 5/23/04-4/23/05); 25902*0.9486166 = 24571.06717 C-days - 8 leap-days = 24563.06717 /464 = 52.954966 C-yr = 52yr 15 mos. 8 days 1 hr l7 min. (plus 1630 E-hr = 1302 C-hr). Therefore:

Hr. 0100 + 0117 + 1302 = 1519 (aro ...)
Day 1 + 8 = 9 (2nd day, 2nd week; uwam
Month 1 + 15 = 16 (açulús)
Year 702 + 52 = 754 (pehan ... p.v.)


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