Inspired by Mark Rosenfelder's website, here's the Gwr version. The Kash version is here


You know you're a (Bau Da) Gwr if....


Daily life...

We are healthy...

We are smart...

(Probably the only good thing to come of it was our agreement to abandon warfare. We had to abandon nuclear research too, which probably wasn't such a good idea, but since the Kash were calling the shots, what could we do? (Supposedly the Aliens are going to help us develop top-notch nuclear fission or fusion power production, but they've been saying that for almost 200 years, and we're still burning coal and oil.) Anyway, for the last 750 years, our government hasn't had to support a big military-- the World Council's Defense Force, to which every nation contributes, hardly counts; it's really a farce, and seems to attract the dregs of every society, even those upper-class-twit Kash officers. Thank God they've never had to do any real fighting!)

Everyone knows that...

You're supposed to believe---

Contributions to world civilization...

Space and time...


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